Monday, February 9, 2009

"jigsaw" #142

"JIGSAW" (#142)
You show an (almost) complete jigsaw puzzle, stuck on to a piece offoam core board. It is only missing one piece, but that piece isvery significant. It is one of the eyes of the famous Mona Lisa."Its a good job my aunt is a psychic, well that's what we'll callher as each Christmas she manages to buy me something that Ialready own. This Christmas it was the very same jigsaw again. Allwe need to do is find the one missing piece."5 people come on stage to help solve the puzzle, they each reachinside the box and remove a piece of jigsaw. Even though you haveyour back turned as they remove them and the pieces remain insideof their clenched fists you eliminate everyone until one personremains, that person holds the missing piece of the puzzle.For me this gives a significance to locating the right person, farbeyond just working out where the coloured gem is hiding. Everyonecan identify with the frustration of having lost one

tile of a jigsaw. SECRET: There are a few approaches you could take tothis. All of the pieces in the box could be the same, so theelimination process is just a charade.

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