Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Business Card"(#144)


Here is an idea I have been playing with, it has weaknesses andI've started working some of them out but here is the original,creases and all. See what you can do with it, discover which newdirections you can take it in and get back to me.Hand 4 or so people business cards. Ask one of them to write downthe name of an animal he or she once owned. Ask the remaining threeto make up names that could be associated with animals. Now thecards are all mixed. One at a time the cards are held in the air bysomeone else, and although your back is turned or you are otherwiseprevented from seeing, you call STOP on one of them, open it up toreveal that it is indeed the name of the only real animal. Themethod is really good fun. You simply peek the name of the animalthe first person writes down. Stop at any point you like,. open thecard and misread it, so no matter what it really says on the cardyou read it out saying the name of the animal you peeked earlier.Of course one in 4 times you will be correct and you can even offerproof. To cover the times you don't get it right just casually foldit and toss it back in to the pile with the others.

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