Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Mental Envelope Prediction" (#135)

"Metal Envelope Prediction"(135)

This month's idea is just one of the solutions emailed to me by Wayne Rogers, it's a fantastic routine idea!First, the specs draw on their cards and hold them face down.Next, the performer shows 3 envelopes each with a post it note ”covering a number”. ie the envelopes are numbered and the numbers covered.Each spectator is handed an envelope and told to drop their picture in it and seal it in. One spec mixes the envelopes and hands them to the performer.Performer fans the three envelopes and asks one spectator which number envelope they want. If they say, “One” performer lifts each post it note to findno. 1 and hands it to the spectator.The other second spectator selects another number and is given that envelope.Last spectator gets the last envelope.Recap what has happened. Each person drew a picture and sealed it in an envelope. They each chose either 1, 2, or 3 and received that envelope.All three spectator’s open their envelopes and they have somehow selected their own picture.

Secret: there are no numbers under the post it notes:

They are nail written on when the choices are made. You have secretly marked each envelope and know who it was given to. When they make their choice, select the correct envelope, lift the post it note to “check the number” and write the chosen number in before handing the envelope over.NB I would be inclined to use some post-it glue stick in addition to the normal glue on the note pieces, just to be sure that they are not accidentally lifted to expose there is no number underneath.

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