Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"Impromptu" (#126)


Effect :
A Card is selected by a spectator and placed back on top of the pack. The pack of cards is then cut several times and handed back to the magician. A pile of cards suddenly fall off the pack leaving the magician holding the spectators card.

When the card is selected the card on the bottom of the pack is crimped by the magicians pinky.
The spectators card is then placed on the top of the pack and the pack is cut.
This now means that the spectators card is underneath the crimped card.
The pack of cards can be passed around the room to be cut several times and the spectators card will always be under the crimped card.
The pack is then handed back to the magician who quietly puts his thumb under the crimped card, appearing to be clumsy and allows the cards above his thumb to fall on the floor. The card under his thumb will be the spectators.
The magician can also allow the rest of the cards to fall leaving only the spectators card in his hand.
This card trick looks amazing because the audience has seen that the magician has not had a lot of contact with the pack and the whole routine has been totally impromptu

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Self-Working Anomoly" (#125)

"Self-Working Anomoly"(#125)

Method: : Shuffle a pack of cards well. Holding the pack face down, turn over the top card and place it face up on the table. Think of it as a pile. Starting with its face value, deal face up on top of it as many more cards as needed to reach 10.
For instance if it's a 3, deal seven cards on top of it; if it's a 5, deal five cards. Face cards count as 10, so no more cards are needed. An ace counts as 1 and needs nine more cards. Continue making piles as above, keeping them separate, until you have used up all the cards in the deck. If there are not enough cards to complete a final pile, keep that incomplete column in your hand. Now choose at random, any three piles that contain at least four cards each and turn these piles face down. Gather all the remaining cards in any order and add them to the cards (if any) in your hand.
Pick any two of the three face-down piles on the table, and turn up the top card on each of those two piles. Add their values together. Remove this number of cards from those in your hand, and then remove an additional 19 cards. Count the remaining cards in your hand. Now turn up the top card of the third pile. Its value will equal the number of cards in your hand.

Monday, December 29, 2008

"Mind Mimic" (#124)

Mind Mimic(#124)

Effect : In this baffling routine the magician asks a member of the audience, a series of questions, a lot of them that are unique to that person. The spectator is asked to write each answer on a piece of paper and place the piece of paper in glass. At the same time, the magician is seen to be concentrating deeply and writing his prediction on a separate piece of paper which he also puts in another glass. After the last question has been asked, the magician's predicted answers are compared with the spectator's answers and are found to be the same. This can get an amazing reaction from the audience as the magician is seen to be able to read thoughts.
SECRET: The spectator is asked a series of questions and asked to write them on a piece of paper and place the piece of paper in a glass. After each answer has been placed in the glass by the spectator, the magician asks the spectator what answer they had given. The magician acknowledges that he had also predicted that answer and placed it in his glass.

Really, the magician writes the spectators answer one question behind. The spectator has told the magician, the answer to the last question asked which the magician will write and put in his glass after asking the next question. When the first question has been asked and the spectator reveals his answer, the magician has placed his supposed prediction in another glass at the same time. What he has actually written on his paper is "carrot " which is the most probable answer to the final question that the spectator will be asked shortly. The will allow the magician to write each answer as the spectator reveals it. The spectator will be unaware that the magician is writing his answers one question behind. Take out the papers from the glasses and pair up the answers. Stand back and watch the amazed expression of your onlookers.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

"Salt Card Prediction" (#123)

Salty Cards Prediction (#123)

With nothing more than kicking a deck of cards you can tell which is the chosen card.

Have a shuffled deck of cards placed on the floor. Have a person look through the deck and choose a card. Have him/her place his card on top of the deck. Now have them cut the deck into five piles. (Remember that their chosen card is on the top of the first pile.)
Now, by pointing to the piles have them put the deck back together in a different order.

As you are pointing at the card piles, instructing the audience member to put them back together, you take a pinch of salt and drop it on top of the chosen card as you point to it)

Then, lightly kick the deck of cards with your right foot, slide into the cards to make them glide to the left.

Examine the deck. The place in the deck with the most distance between one card and the next is the chosen card.
OR, just by sliding the cards in one direction you will find that the choosen card will usually be exposed easily----practice it a few times !!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

"BOTTOMS UP" (#122)

"BOTTOMS UP"(#122)

Effect: A pack of cards is fanned out in front of a spectator. The magician runs his fingers around the card fan and the spectator is asked to tell him when to stop his fingers on a card. This card is shown to the audience, replaced in the pack and the pack handed back to the spectator to shuffle. The magician then reveals the card which was chosen.

Method: Ask a spectator to shuffle the cards. When he/she hands them back to you note the bottom card . That is going to be their card.
Start by fanning the cards out. Run your finger across them and ask the spectator when to stop. When he/she says to stop, put your thumb on that point of the deck.
While your thumb is on that point, use your other fingers to slowly work the bottom card under your thumb. As you pull the cards off the top of the deck with your thumb, slide the bottom card under the other cards and pull them off the deck and show the spectator his/ her card. This is where you take over. Since you already know the card you can have the spectator cut, shuffle, e.t.c.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"Liquor Switch"(#121)

Liquor Switch (#121)

Challenge: One shot glass is filled with water and the other with whisky. The challenge is to get the whisky in the glass that has the water and the water in the glass that has the whisky without using any other containers including your mouth.

Preparation: You needTwo identical shot glasses One non porous piece of paper, like a playing card. Water and your choice of spirit.

Solution: Place the non porous paper ( playing card ) on top of the shot of water. Turn the card and the water shot glass round carefully. The paper will stay attached to the shot glass easily. Now place the water shot glass and card, still upside down, on top of the shot of bourbon. Slowly and carefully, pull the playing card just far enough out to make a small opening between the two glasses. Water, being heavier than alcohol, will flow into the whisky glass and displace the whisky into the water glass.

You have just made the switch.

If you are truly skilled at this bar trick, you will be able to replace the paper between the two shot glasses and remove the whisky and put it back on the bar.
Please make sure that the opening between the glasses is very small as a large opening will cause the water and alcohol to mix.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Magic in a Glass"(#120)

Magic In A Glass (#120)
The magician takes a long-stemmed glass and announces that he's going to perform a card trick. The amazing thing about this card trick is that he wont be able to touch the cards, because they'll be inside the glass the whole time!

Placing the pack, face out in the glass, the magician states that he's going to find all four aces using special " Locator Cards ". He reaches into the glass and pulls out a red number card ( we'll use the Ten of Hearts for the example ) and puts it in front of the rest of the cards in the deck so that the ten of hearts is the card the spectator now sees looking at them through the glass.

The magician then states that he will let that red 10 find a red ace . Holding the glass by the stem, the magician passes a cloth napkin over the glass, quickly. When the napkin has completed it's quick pass, the red 10 has been replaced by a red ace ! The magician then takes the red ace and puts it in back of the deck and passes the napkin again.

This time, the red 10 is replaced by the other red ace ! Now the magician gets a black number card (say, 6 of spades) for the " Locator " and puts it in front of the red 10. A quick napkin pass, and there's a black ace!

The magician takes the ace and puts it in back of the deck. Another pass, and there's the last black ace! Now pull out the pack and put it back in the case, smiling as you take your bow. All of this magic occurs in the glass, so there's apparently no way that you could've manipulated the cards!

A slight amount of preparation work is required, but this is worth it. First, find a wine or any other long-stemmed glass that will allow you to set at least half a deck of cards in it.

There can be no design on the glass or stem!!! Next, take the two red aces and glue them back to back. Make sure you make them look as much like one card as possible!

Do the same with the two black aces. Now get two identical number cards - one black and one red - from an identical deck. Glue one red and one black back to back. Don't do this with the other ones. Finally, get a cloth napkin that is big enough and dark enough to completely cover the glass.

Set up the deck like this: The black 6 card face up on top of the face-down deck. Now, set the double-sided black ace on top of it. Now place the double-sided " red 10 /black 6" card with the red 10 face-up. Next, comes the double-sided red aces. And finally, the last red 10 FACE DOWN on the face-down deck.
The rest is showmanship. Place the deck in the glass with the bottom card facing your spectator. Announce that you're going to do the trick using a red locator card . Pull the red 10 off the top of the deck and put it on the bottom, facing the spectator. You should now be looking at a red ace . Holding the glass by the stem, you pass the napkin over the glass and spin it around so that the ace is now facing the spectator.
It helps if you hold the glass with you fingers rigid and the stem in the first bend of your finger. When you spin the glass, your thumb does the work and your fingers look pretty much the same. Now take the ace and put it on top of the deck.
You should now be looking at the other red ace . Perform the pass/spin again, and your spectator sees the other red ace . Now say that you need a black locator card. Take the red/black card off the top with the 6 facing. When you get to the black aces, if you stick the Ace of Spades on top so that it's the first ace you'll show, you can ask the spectator to name a black ace. Nine out of ten times, they'll say the Ace of Spades!
You then make it appear for them. If they happen to mention the Ace of Clubs, just say "So that leaves the Ace of Spades," and make it appear.

Monday, December 22, 2008

"Dragon Breath" (#119)

"Dragon's Breath" (#119)

1 glass, a matchbook, six coins, and an ashtray with water.

Bet your friends one drink that you can get the water out of the ashtray using only the ingredients mentioned and without moving or tilting the ashtray.

Make sure ashtray is filled with at the most, a quarter of an inch of water. Stack the coins in the center of the ashtray so that the top two coins are above the water. Place four unlit matches on top of the coins. Light the matches and immediately cover the flame and coins with the glass. The water will be drawn into the glass. You win !!! collect your bets

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"PRESTO" (#118)

"PRESTO" (#118)

Effect: The spectator chooses a card. After a series of shuffles the spectator spells a magic word and finds his card. But the magician never touches the cards from the start of the trick to the end.
Secret: Hand a full deck of cards to a volunteer to shuffle. (Make sure it's a FULL deck.) Ask the volunteer to deal the deck into two piles. Have them choose one of the piles and remember the bottom card. Tell the volunteer to look at it but not to show you. Ask them to place the pile containing the bottom card on top of the other pile. Then ask the volunteer to deal the deck into four piles from left to right.

Pick up each pile and ask the volunteer if their card is in that pile. As you ask, reassemble the deck, making sure the pile with their card goes on the very top. Give the deck to the volunteer and have them deal the cards, one at a time face down on the table, spelling out the word "PRESTO". Have them turn the next card over. This is their chosen card!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Coin from thin Air" (#117)

" Coin From Thin Air " (#117)

Effect: Amazing audience reaction because even though it's clear your hand is empty, you appear to grab coin after coin from behind their ears, under tables, even from thin air!

You Will Need:1 coin 1 thin strip of scotch tape.

How To Do The Trick :
1. Stick the coin to the back of your hand with a small(2 - 3 inches) piece of clear adhesive tape. The coin will hang down the back of your hand a few inches on the tape. This will let you palm the coin behind your hand very easily while the front of your hand faces the audience.

2. Begin with the coin hanging behind your hand. Hold your hand naturally so that no one will think that something is in it.

3. Find a place where you can reach out with your hand, putting it temporarily out of sight of the audience. For example, under a table, or behind their ear. Reach your hand out and when the hand is at an angle that is out of view of the audience, flip the coin up so you can grab it with your thumb, then bring your hand back into view. It will look like the coin came from nowhere!

4. Do this a few more times.

5. To create a good finish, reach out into the air and flip the coin up into your fingers. Don't do it too fast-- or the coin will come off the tape. This will look like you grabbed the coin out of thin air

Friday, December 19, 2008

"World's Simplest Trick" (#116)

World's Simplest Trick (#116)

Don't Be Fooled By This Trick's Simplicity, It Really Works !!!
Effect: You take out a deck of cards and ask the spectator to shuffle it thoroughly. You then ask him to name any two cards (just the name of the card, without the suit). After the spectator names two cards, you put your hand on the deck of cards, and concentrate hard on it. After a minute or so, you ask the spectator to turn over the deck of cards and fan through it. Astonishingly, the cards that he names are right next to each other.
You Need: A deck of cards .
Nothing! You really don't do anything! If I have to say, the only thing you have to do for this trick is to act like you are really concentrating very hard on the cards when you put your hand on them. That's all! This trick simply works! All by itself! This trick works by probability.
When the spectator names two cards (remember to tell him not to name the suit), let's say Ace and Ten, he is really naming four cards of each kind since the suit is not specified. The theory is that out of those eight cards (Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Clubs, Ace of Diamonds, Ten of Spades, Ten of Hearts, Ten of Clubs, Ten of Diamonds), at least one of the Aces in the deck will be next to one of the Tens. Don't believe this? Try it out! About 10% of the time, there may be a card between the Ace and the Ten. If that happens, simply tell the spectator that you are not concentrating hard enough. When you repeat the trick, it will work. You can never find a trick that's easier than this one!
Note: This trick can be done to the same spectator a few times, but if you do it too many times, they will eventually figure it out. So, don't overdo this one!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Matching Sisters" (#115)

Matching Sisters(#115)

Effect: The two black queens find the two red queens by being put into the deck where the spectator freely wants to place them.

Secret: Start by putting one red queen on top of the face down deck and the other red queen at the bottom both face down.

Next, give the two black queens to a spectator. Start dealing cards off the top of the deck, laying them in a face down pile on the table, until the spectator tells you to stop.
Have the spectator put the first black queen, face up, onto the pile on the table (these are the cards you have just counted face down) Then drop the remainder of the deck in your hand face down onto the black queen (so the only card facing up is the black queen)

Next, repeat the process above, having the spectator put in the other black queen, face up, and drop the remainder of the deck on top of the other black queen, again face down. Have the spectator cut the deck, and complete the cut.

Now announce that without any help from you the spectator was able to find the black queens sisters. Simply go to the face up black queens, take them out, and the cards immediately above each will of course be the red queens.

NOTES: You can very easily put the two red queens in place while you find the black ones right under their noses. As long as you don't make a big deal out of it no one will suspect a thing.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

"jumping rings"(#114)

" The Jumping Rings" (#114)

The magician holds a rope between his hands. There are three knots tied on it, and on the center knot is tied to a wire hanger. The magician says a magic word and FLASH, right before everyone's eyes, the hanger jumps from the center knot to the right knot!
Use a strong piece of rope, about 3' long. It should be about ¼" thick. It shows 4 knots on the rope. Knots B, C and D are regular knots. The hanger is tied to knot C. But knot A isn't a regular knot, it is a "slip knot." It looks pretty much like the others, but when pulled by the ends of the rope, comes undone.

Begin the trick with knot D covered by your right hand. Hold the rope so that knots A, B, and C are showing.

Say: "Here we have three knots. Notice that a hanger is tied onto the end knot. But watch … Abracadabra!"

Now, do two things:
First: Pull the rope very tight between your hands. This will cause the slipknot (A) to come undone. It seems to disappear.
Second: Pull the rope again with the left hand. Slide knot D from your right hand. When you do this fast, it looks to the audience as if the hanger has jumped from the end knot to the center knot.
Practice, practice, practice … try it in front of a mirror, then when you can do it fast and smoothly, try it in front of your friends and family.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Money Appearance" (#113)


You Will Need:

Some Money Bills
Long Sleeved Jacket or Sweater

Calmly seated at a table, the magician invites a spectator to sit down across the table from him. The magician opens both hands and clearly shows them on both sides, to show that they are completely empty.To reinforce this fact, each sleeve is pulled up to expose the magicians lower arms and each hand again is shown open at this stage.
The magician then clasps both hands together and with a vigorous rubbing motion, proceeds to spew a fountain of seemingly limitless money bills, out from between his hands.

What's The Secret?

Simply roll up a few money bills into a tight roll and place the tube of bills in a crease in the sleeve of your jacket, right where there is a bend at the elbow. Do this before inviting the spectator to join you for this amazing illusion.. If you hold your arm relaxed, with your elbow resting on the table, the roll of bills should remain concealed.
Then, when you pull up your second sleeve, pull the sleeve, near to the hidden bills. Open your hand to show it is empty, this action will distract the spectator's attention, allowing you to subtly sneak the bills into your other hand. Place hand s quickly together and you should be able to push out the bills from your finger tips, one by one. This really works!! Try it a few times for practice first.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

"1-100" (#112)

"1 -100" (#112)
Pick a number between 50-100 with even and different digits.”
Answer: 68.

Mental Quickie" (#111)

"Mental quickie"(#111)
. “Think of any card” it's a wild guess but a spectator will almost always think of the Nine of diamonds, Ace of spades, Queen of Hearts or the Six of Clubs. Have each of those cards hidden on you in different pockets, remember which card is where so that you can reveal the hopefully chosen card.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"coin change" (#110)

"Coin Change" (#110)

The Effect:
You throw a nickel into your hand a couple of times and then close your hand around it. When you open your hand, it has turned into a quarter!

The Method:
I usually do not post a trick that requires "skill", but this one is simple and requires little practice.

Place the quarter into your right hand fingers (known as the finger palm position, see illustration on the left showing your fingers slightly curled ) and then hold the nickel between your right index finger and thumb of the same hand. Only the nickel should be visible to the spectator.
Coin held in finger palm position.

Throw the nickel into your left palm a couple of times and pick it back up again.
This time, pretend to throw it again, but instead retain it and drop the quarter into your left palm instead. Immediately close your left hand around the quarter.
Conceal the nickel in your right hand and as you slowly open your left hand, ditch the nickel into one of your pockets. The spectator will see that the coin in your left hand has turned into a quarter!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Elevator Card" (#109)

"Elevator Card" (#109)

Effect: The top card of the deck is turned face up to the audience.
The card is once again turned face down and removed from the deck.
The magician now places this card into the middle of the deck and then squares the deck
The magician clicks his fingers and the card returns immediately to the top of the deck.

Method: This trick uses the principle of the double lift (lifting two cards instead of one).

When showing the top card actually perform a double lift and show the card that was really second from the top of the pack.
Then remove the actual top card and place it into the middle of the deck.
The already shown card is still on the top of the deck and can be revealed in any way that the magician wishes.
Make sure that the double lift is clean and bend the cards slightly to ensure that they stay together as one.

Monday, December 1, 2008

"phone book prediction"(#108)

The magician draws attention to a windowed envelope standing on a stand on stage. The audience can see a piece of paper inside the envelope. The magician explains this will come in to play later on. A spectator is invited to sit on a chair on stage. This person is given a phone book.
A beach ball is then thrown out in to the audience. The first person to catch it is asked to call out any page number in the phone book. The spectator on stage opens the phone book to that page. Again, the ball is thrown, and another person calls out a column number, our local phone book has four columns on a page. The spectator goes to that column in the phone book. Finally, another person calls out a line and spectator looks at the name on that line and circles it with a pen, he DOES NOT reveal the name yet. This really is a random name choice, absolutely NO force. The magician then draws attention to the envelope and the prediction that is inside. The envelope is turned upside down. The audience sees the prediction fall out. Spectator finally reveals the name he has circled and it matches EXACTLY the prediction that was inside the sealed envelope. I have also performed this where I also reveal the phone number as a kicker.
The strong point of this routine is that the spectator never reveals the name in the phone book until the very end, so how does the performer know the name to load it? All will be revealed.

I actually have two identical phone books, one is onstage, the other offstage with my wife. As people are calling out the numbers, columns and a line, my wife is offstage following along. As soon as she hears the line number, she finds the name and phone number and uses her cell phone to text message me the results. My cell phone is onstage in my case.

Without exposing the exact method for loading Dream Prediction, I use a white board to write down the answers as they are called out by the audience. This gives me the opportunity to load the final prediction without audience seeing it. Once the spectator starts looking at the name in the phone book, I go to my case to get a pen for them to circle it. All I have to do is glance at my phone and read the text message. The first thing I read is the name. I hand the spectator on stage the pen, asking them to circle the name they are looking at. This gives me time to do the ‘dirty´ work and as the envelope is opened and the final prediction falls out revealing my prediction. I can now follow this prediction routine by revelaing the phone number. As I put everything back in my case and the audience thinks it´s all over, I get a glimpse of my cell phone and look at the phone number on the text. It´s then a matter of asking the person to concentrate on the phone number. I then reveal the numbers as I write them in front of them on the white board. Of course, you could memorise both name and number to start and have both on the prediction. I am a huge fan of using technology to perform magic, and in this case, the cell phone replaces the need for a spectator to actually walk onstage and hand you the information. This makes this type of effect so much stronger. I am sure many of you will take this effect and using the cell phone idea come up with your own ways to reveal the final prediction.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

"The Levitating Match (#107)

The Levitating Match (#107)

Effect: You borrow an ordinary match from someone and place it in the palm of your hand. Ask your spectator to concentrate on moving the match by psychic power. The match then suddenly twitches, then jumps and finally, it raises up and stands on end!

SECRET: You will need two props for this. One is a small but powerful ceramic magnet and the other is a small steel rod that you conceal inside an ordinary paper match. Split the paper on a match from the bottom, insert the steel rod and glue the match back together again.
You then palm the gimmicked match in your hand, then pretend to tear it from your spectator's matchbook and place it in the palm of your hand. The magnet is concealed under your sleeve, near your elbow. Hold the magnet in place with an elastic bandage and wear clothing loose enough to conceal it.
With the match in the palm of your hand, ask your sucker to concentrate and slowly move your hand up towards your elbow, palm up. As you get the match closer to the magnet, it will begin to jump or twitch. You can control its action just by how close you allow the match to get. Hold it directly over the magnet and the match will wobble and suddenly stand straight up.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Psychic Dice" (#106)

Psychic Dice Trick (#106)

Ask a person to drop three dice in to a glass of water. Then ask them to hold up the glass,add up the total of the numbers on the bottom faces of the dice and then put the glass back down. You then dip your finger tips in the water, mystically rub them on your fore-head and magically tell your subject the total they have.

What's The Secret?
All you do is subtract the total of the three dice's upward faces from 21. Remember opposite sides of a die total 7 and 3 x 7 is 21.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Educated Guess" (#105)

Educated Guess

You Will Need
A sheet of blank paper, folded into thirds ,3 pencils, 3 friends

1. Tear the sheet of paper neatly along the folds so that you have three sheets of equal size. The smaller sheets may seem identical, but the centre sheet will actually be frayed on two of its sides, while the end sheets are frayedonly on one side. No one will notice this, but you will see it is an important difference, which will help you succeed with this trick! 2. Hand the centre sheet and a pencil to someone in your audience. Ask them to write down any number and then to fold the sheet into thirds. Tell the participant to concentrate on their number.
3. Hand the remaining sheets and pencils to two other audience members. Ask them to write down numbers and to fold the sheets of paper into thirds.
4. Then collect the papers and scramble them.
5. Pull out the first volunteer’s sheet. You’ll know it’s theirs because it’s the only sheet with two ragged edges. Hold up the sheet and ask the volunteer if it is their number, and they will be amazed that you picked the right one!

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Everlasting Soda" ( #104)

"Everlasting Soda" (#104)

A Super Street Magic Trick, Where A Crushed Empty Soda Can Is Magically RestoredStreet magic is best performed in a casual impromptu manner. With a little preparation and some entertaining patter, a simple magic trick can be turned into a really impressive effect. This street magic style trick is a good example of an easy trick that looks seemingly impossible. Have fun.

A seemingly empty and crushed soda can is picked up and shown to the audience. The can is held by the magician who gently rubs the top of the can, resealing it. The soda can is then slowly shaken back and forward where it is seen and heard to be restoring itself to it's original shape, right in front of the spectator's eyes. The can is then opened and fizzy soda poured into a glass which can then be drank. Amazing reaction from the audience is often had from the audience by this cool street magic trick.

How To Do The Illusion :
For this trick. you will need the following, easy to find objects. A full can of soda, ( try and use a type of soda that is quite fizzy such as Coke or Fanta ), a sheet of paper, a thumb tack, black marker pen ( a Sharpie pen is a good choice), scissors .

Make a small hole in the can with the thumb tack. The hole should be approximately one third down from the top of the can ( the end with the ring pull). Carefully empty out some of the fizzy drink, by tipping the can and squeezing it gently. When you have squeezed out sufficient liquid, the can should be able to sit upright, without drink spilling out. Crush the can slightly, so that it looks even more like a discarded can.

Cut out an oval of paper, roughly the same size as the ring pull opening on the top of the can. Color the paper oval with the black pen and stick it on top of the unopened ring pull on the can. It can be secured by dampening the paper slightly. Alternatively you can use a black non permanent marker pen and just color over the ring pull, this can just be casually rubbed off, later during the trick.

Perform trick as follows. Pick up the "empty" can and show your spectators the can, hold can upside down make sure they see the seemingly opened ring pull.. Rub two fingers over the black colored oval and secretly discard it. You have appeared to reseal the can.

Next, holding the can in one hand, make sure that the small hole in the side is covered by a finger or thumb. Tilt the can from side to side. This will shake the contents, causing the fizzy gas inside the can to expand and re inflate the can. The can can visibly be seen and heard to be repairing itself.

Now, casually pull the ring pull to open the can which as long as the hole in the side of the can is still covered, should open with a reassuring swish noise. The drink inside can now be poured into a glass for you or your audience to taste.

Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the impromptu trick. As mentioned above, the effectiveness owes a lot to your performance and timing. For instance the prepared can could be left somewhere before your there, such as on a bar table where you are meeting friends soon. The possibilities are endless.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Fine Tuned Touch (#103)
You appear to correctly pair up all the kings and queens in a shuffled deck using only the sense of touch.
This impressive close up trick starts with an ordinary pack of playing cards, which you pass to a member of the audience. Ask them to look through the pack, remove the four kings, the four queens and lay them on the table face upward.
Once this has been done, arrange the cards in four pairs, king of spades with queen of spades etc and so on. Then put these four pairs on top of each other to form a pack of 8 cards which is then left face down on the table.
At this stage, ask several people to cut the cards (but not to shuffle them) to give the impression that the cards are mixed.
And now for the main part of the performance. State that your touch is so finely tuned that you can separate the kings and queens just by feeling them. At which point you put the 8 cards behind your back and moments later, display the four kings in one hand and four queens in the other.
Now it's time to up the stakes. So you make the bold claim that you can reunite the four pairs of cards, again using nothing more than your finely tuned sense of touch.
Pick up the four queens, place them on top of the four kings and leave the cards face down on the table.
Again get a number of people to cut (but not shuffle them) the cards until it appears that they are well mixed. Finally pick up the cards and put them behind your back. Seconds later you start to produce the cards from behind your back, two at a time and lay them face down on the table. When they are turned over, they reveal that all four pairs have been correctly matched.
And if you can perform a false shuffle in a believable manner, you could incorporate that as part of the trick.

How The Trick Is Done
Part One: When you put the cards behind your back for the first time, take every second card with one hand and the rest with the other. Or, to put it another way, one hand should take cards 1, 3, 5 and 7, while the other hand takes cards 2, 4, 6 and 8. Due to the way that the cards were ordered before you picked them up, this will always separate the kings and queens.

Part Two: When you put the cards face down for the audience to cut before you put the cards behind your back for the second time, the audience should think that you arrange them in a face down pile at random. But as with most things in magic, nothing is left to chance.
Make sure that both the queens and the kings are in the same suit order. For example spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds. This is a good choice because it goes black, red, black, red, so once you've picked up the first two queens, the next two will be even easier to put in order. Then collect the kings in the same order; spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds. A code way to remember this is the saying SHow CoDe, which has the initials of the suits in the correct order.
Make sure you collect the cards together as convincingly as possible. Make it look as though you're tidying up the cards from the way they were left at the end of the first part of the trick. Once you've done that, turn the 8 cards face down and get the audience to cut ithe pack several times.

And finally, when you have them behind your back, take the top four cards in one hand and the other four cards in your other hand. Then produce the cards in pairs taking the top card from each hand, until all four pairs are on the table. All that's left is for you to ask a member of the audience to reveal each of the matching pairs in turn

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Cut & Restored Bill" (#102)

Cut And Restored Bill(#102)
THE EFFECT: The magician displays two bank notes and shows them openly back and front for all the audience to see.
The magician places them back to back, he/she then cuts through the center of both notes with a pair of scissors - the notes are clearly seen to be cut into four halves. No mistaking that!
Without any suspicious moves, the magician instantly open both halvesto show the notes, restored to their original condition, Incredible !!!!

Place two nearly new bills facedown on a table. Apply a thinlayer of rubber cement, abouthalf an inch wide, down thecentre of the back of each note.
When this is dry, add a secondcoat of rubber cement and allowthat to dry also. What's rubber cement? Its a type of craft glue that dries to a rubbery finish and can normally be purchased from a hardware store or perhaps on Ebay.
Next, sprinkle a little talcum powder (baby powder) on the cement covered area on each bill. Spread the talcum powder over the entire surface of the cement with your finger or a soft brush.
You will notice that the treated areas of both dollar bills will not stick to each other because of the powdered surface. Put the bills in your wallet/purse or on the table and you are ready to perform this very well thought out close up effect!
THE METHOD: Begin by removing the two prepared notes from your wallet/purse and casually show both sides of the notes. Place them back to back as shown in .
We will call the note nearest you Note A and the one nearest the spectators Note B Square up both notes. Be sure that the cemented areas are touching each other.Hold both notes with the thumb and finger of your left hand as shown in . With your right hand holding the scissors, carefully cut through the centerof both notes.Make sure that you cut within the areas covered by the cement stripes. Done openly and deliberately, there will be no doubt in the audiences mind that both bills have been cut in half - which they have!.
Place the scissors aside. Grip the halves on the right sides of the cut in your right hand (one half of Note A and one half of Note B) and the left side's two halves (the other two halves of Note A and Note B) in your left hand.
With the thumb and fingers of both hands, separate the halves of the notes , and shake them open .
Because of the rubber cement, the halves in each hand will stick together at the cut edges giving the illusion that the four half notes have melted together to form two complete notes once again!
The reason this is one of the most convincing dollar bill tricks in my mind is because the spectators see and hear the notes being cut, so it is that much more believable when they are 'restored' people freak out with astonishment!!!
Here are a few tips to assist you with this illusion
TIP 1: Done well, this is a real show stopperr! First practice with stage money or with newspaper cut to the size of bank notes. This way you acn experiment as to what is the beat amount of rubber cement and talcum powder to apply. You can then try it with real bills..
TIP 2: The real notes should be new and crisp (maybe from a cash machine) and fit snugly together.
TIP 3: Don't worry about losing money when using real notes, as the halves can be stuck together with clear Scotch tape, just as with any torn notes.
TIP 4: The higher the currency value the bigger the effect becomes be really brave and use $ 20 notes! (or equivalent).
TIP 5: As an alternative method you could let an audience member cut the notes just make sure you hold the notes tightly together and get them to cut in the centre (where the rubber cement is!) Practice your hand postion while holding the notes so that it will seem a natural and unforced choice for them to cut over the part of the notes that you want.
This is one of the easiest dollar bill tricks to perform but remember to practice lots and feel confident to perform it in front of a spectator, smoothly.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008



Take 21 cards and deal them out into three columns by dealing seven cards in each column. Deal three cards across for the first row, then another card on top of each for the next row, and so on until you have seven rows of cards in three columns for a total of 21 cards. Make sure you deal out each of the rows so you can still see the cards behind it.
Now have someone think of any card in one of the columns, and then tell you which column the card is in. Pick up one of the other columns, then the column he chose, and then the last column, so that the column with the chosen card is between the other two. Deal them out again the same as before, and have your volunteer tell you which column the card is now in. Again, pick up the cards so that the column he pointed to is between the other two. Repeat the process of dealing out the cards, having him tell you which column his card is now in, and picking up the cards so that the column with his card is between the other two columns. You have now done this three times, and it's time to find his card!
Hold the cards face down in your hand, as if you were going to deal them out again, but instead ask your volunteer if he has ever heard of the magic word ABRACADABRA. Say that not many people know it, but ABRACADABRA is a magic word for finding things, and that you'll show him what you mean. Spell the word ABRACADABRA, and for each letter deal one of the cards face down on the table. When you reach the last "A", pause, and then turn over that card. It will be the chosen card!

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Card Bending"(#100)

Telekinetic Card Bending

A convincing illusion where a card is seen to bend through your telekinetic powers.

While in a group of friends enjoying some refreshments, casually rub some water on the back of your hand. Then get your friends attention and announce that you are going to cause a card to bend, solely by using your telekinetic powers. Take a playing card and place it on the back of your hand ( the one that has secret ely had water rubbed on it ).

Gently press the card, flat onto your hand which should be held horizontally.

Next, remove the other hand and appear to be concentrating intensely and focusing your psychic powers on the card. The card will be seen to bend without any interaction or anything touching it. This looks amazing and you can claim it has been bent by your telekinetic energy.

This trick is enhanced greatly by your performance and patter. The card will bend automatically as it absorbs some of the water, hence cheap cards are normally more porous as they are normally less laminated. The bend in the card can be increased by picking up the card lengthwise and carefully squeezing it gently which makes the trick more convincing.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


- To force any two cards apparently at random, have one double-backed card and one double-faced card, matching the backs of the deck being used. Put the two cards to be forced in the deck near the top, maybe 7 or 8 cards down, with the double-faced card between them. Have the double-backed card on top. Holding the deck in the palm of your hand, face down, ask a spectator to take the top card. Turn the deck over so the faces are up and ask the spectator to stick the face down card into the face up deck at any point they choose. Since you know approximately where the cards to be forced are located in the deck, cut the deck a time or two, being careful to stay away from the cards to be forced. Now, all that's needed is to ribbon spread the deck, faces down, and look for the one face up card. Of course, the only face up card is the original double-facer you placed between the two cards to be forced. Take the cards immediately above and below the face up card and you're set to pull off your miracle...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"Spelling Cards" (#96)

: The magician shuffles the deck and takes the top thirteen cards. Holding the cards face down, he proceeds to spell the first card name, Ace. "A C E," and for each letter, he puts one card under the packet of thirteen cards. He then flips over the next card (the fourth,) and it is an Ace. He repeats this process for each card number, Ace through King. At the end, he has all thirteen cards face up on the table, in sequential order.

SECRET: First, take out 13 cards from a deck, the cards do not have to be the same suit, but you need the thirteen cards from Ace to King. After you have them out, place them in this order, begin by placing the three face-up on the table. On top of that, place the eight. Then, place the Seven, Ace, Queen, Six, Four, Two, Jack, King, Ten, Nine, and last of all Five. And then put these on top of the deck face down.

The trick almost works itself. To start, pretend to shuffle the cards, leaving the top thirteen untouched. After you shuffle, you can fan through the deck, and show every card, for the pre-arranged 13 cards don't look like they are arranged at all. Remove the top thirteen cards as a group and arrange them like a fan, so that your audience can see their faces. Square up the cards, and hold them face down.

When you spell out each card, do it as follows: let's say you're spelling the word . Spell A, remove the top card and place it on the bottom. Then spell C, and remove the top card and place that on the bottom. Next spell E, remove this top card and place it on the bottom. Flip the new top card and show that it's an Ace, and place it on the table.

Continue in this manner until all the cards are face up on the table. (You spell the cards in order: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K) Your audience may realize that the cards must have been set up beforehand, but this only adds to the mystery and you can treat it as a puzzle for them to try to figure out to add to the mystery, don't use cards all of the same suit. A mixed group of suits makes it seem less like a "stacked" deck.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Coffee to Coins (#95)

Coffee To Coins(#95)

Set up: Get one of those coffee machine dispensed cups made of waxed paper and preferably with a pattern on the outside. Remove the bottom of the cup about an inch up from the bottom with a modelling knife or scissors and then place the cup back together by gently sliding the top half of the cup into the base using a slight twisting action if needed. Stack the cup three quarters full with coins.
Pack the coins in tightly and then pour in a little cold coffee, enough to cover the coins completely.
Coffee works best because it's so dark and will hide the coins. The cup should now look like a normal cup of coffee and is now ready to present to an audience.

Comment on how the patterns on the side of the cup are magic symbols.

Holding the top half of the cup with one hand, gently push up the bottom half of the cup with a slight screwing action with your other hand, then shake the cup.
As the coins “unsettle” the coffee will spill between the cracks and the coins appear.

This trick can be done with any cup of the waxed paper type that are usually found in vending machines. Be careful not to use hot coffee. Take care when using the modelling knife as it is sharp, even better, if your a kid, get an adult to cut it for you

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"Coin Warp" (#93)

Coin Warp (#93)

: Magician displays three coins, (nickels) on the table. One coin is picked up by the right hand and placed into the left hand. A second coin is picked up and placed in the left hand along with the first coin.The third coin is placed into the right pants pocket.

The left hand is opened to show that the third has travelled by magic into the left hand, making a total of three coins! The three coins are then dropped onto the table.
This entire sequence is repeated again revealing the coin has again travelled back into the left hand. The three coins are dumped onto the table.
This time the magician drops one coin into his left hand and places two coins into his pocket. Now when the left hand is opened, instead of the coins travelling back into the hand, the coin transforms into one big coin, a half dollar.

Secret: To do this you need you need four coins instead of three. Ahha, that's the secret! You also need a larger coin for the transformation. I like to use four quarters and a silver dollar. I've also used four nickels and a half dollar. Basically you want to have a definite difference in the size of the coins, so that the transformation will be more dramatic.

(I'll assume that you're going to use four nickels and a half dollar.) Place the big coin into your right jacket pocket. The extra, (4th) nickel is hidden in the right hand. Just try to relax the hand and not grip the coin with too much force. The other three nickels are on the table.
Performance: Pick up one coin from the table with the right hand, ( don't let anyone see the hidden coin. ) Place this coin into the left hand. Say to audience, "One coin in my hand."
(As soon as the left hand has the coin - make sure to close that hand.)

Grab another coin from the table. Place this coin into the left hand along with the first coin, but, at the same time secretly drop the hidden coin into the left hand as well, making a total of three coins. Say," Two coins in my hand." (Make sure to close your left hand after the coins are in it.) The audience believes that you have two coins in your left hand. Pick up the last, ( apparently 3rd coin ) from the table with your right hand and openly place it into your right pocket. Say, "And a coin goes into my pocket." But that's not what really happens! Here's what's really going on: you pretend to place the coin into your right pants pocket, but really come back out with it hidden in your right hand. Just let your hand relax naturally by your side.
"Did you see it jump back?" As soon as you say this, open your left hand and dump three coins onto the table to show that the 3rd coin has magically jumped from your pocket and back to your hand! ( Everyone will be watching the three coins so the heat will be off the hidden coin it your right hand .)
Now repeat the sequence again. The right hand picks up a coin and places it into your left hand; make sure not to expose the hidden coin in your right hand. Pick up another coin with your right hand and drop in into the left hand at the same time secretly adding the hidden coin. (You now have three coins in your left hand, but the audience is only aware of two.)
Now this is where we change it up for the big finish. The right hand picks up the last coin from the table and places it into the right pants pocket as before, but this time you really do drop the coin into your pocket and grab the big coin, ( half dollar or silver dollar; depending on what you're using ) and bring your hand out of your pocket keeping the big coin hidden from the audience. (Relax your right hand by your side.) Open your left hand and dump three coins on the table to show that the coin has travelled back again!

(You have three coins on the table with the big coin hidden in your right hand.) "This time we will do it backwards. One coin in my hand." Pick up one of the coins from the table with your right hand and apparently place it into the left hand. What you really do is switch the coins. The right hand drops the big coin into the left hand while holding back the small coin. This takes a little practice, but it's not hard as it sounds. The closing of the left hand around the coin will cover the fact that you've switched them!!!

At this point the closed left hand has the big coin inside of it. (The audience thinks it has a smaller coin.) The right hand has a small coin secretly hidden in it. (There are two coins left on the table.) "And these two will go into my pocket." The right hand with its hidden coin picks up the final coins (at the same time) from the table and drops all three coins into the right pants pocket. Now you are clean. The left hand has the big coin and the right hand is empty. Casually show that your right hand is indeed empty.

At this point, look at your audience and ask, "How many coins are there now in my in my hand?" Some will answer, "Two" some others will say "three." You reply, "Only one - a big one!" As soon as you say "only one", open your hand to show the transformation and dump the big coin on the table!

Key Points
1. Whenever you have a coin hidden in your hand, try to relax. Slightly turn your body to the left so that the back of the right hand is facing the audience. Also never look at your hand when you have a coin hidden in it. Remember the audience will follow your eyes.
2. Practice the routine in the mirror. Any mistakes will be evident. Especially practice the switch with the big coin. Sometimes people will see a flash of the big coin. That's OK because they will think it's the smaller coin. Remember you're the only one who knows about the big coin!
3. When you have this coin magic trick well rehearsed, you can substitute and use other objects. I've used four grapes and a small lemon or tomato. Use your imagination.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


"SIMPLE MATH Card Trick " (#92)

Ask a person to choose a card. tell him to remember it's numerical value (Ace = one, Jack- = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13) Also to remember the suit of the card.

Tell them to double the value of the card.
Then tell them to add three to the total.
Then tell them to multiply the complete total by five.
This done ask them to concentrate on the suit.
If the card is a diamond they must add one.
If the card is a club they must add two.
If the card is a heart they must add three.
If the card is a spade they must add four.
They must then tell you the final total.
From this total, you immediately know the chosen card.

The Secret: mentally subtract 15 from the given total. You will have a number of two figures, possibly three....

The last figure gives you the suit (diamonds 1, clubs 2, hearts 3, spades 4.) while the first figure gives you the suit.

Example: Jack of clubs
11 doubled is 22, add 3--25, multiply by 5--125. add for clubs--makes 127. You are told that number.
Subtract 15 mentally. Result 112. Last figure (2) means clubs, first figure(11) means Jack.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

three Amigos #91

Three Amigos Trick (#91)

Remove the four Jacks from the pack and place one Jack face down on the top of the pack.

Start the trick by presenting three Jacks and make up a storyabout them being three best buddies and how they couldnt stand being apart.

Continue to rant on on how one day the three amigos were lost in the desert and the best way to seek help was to go in different directions. The first one to get help was to come and get the others, so off they went in their different directions.

Get the spectator to place one Jack on top of the pack, one Jack anywhere in the middle and the last Jack on the bottom of the pack.

Confirm with the spectator that he is happy that the Jacks are well seperated, then get him to cut the pack ensuring that the bottom half of the pack is put on top of the other half.
(This will bring the top and bottom Jack together with the previously placed Jack)

The cards are then turned face up from the top off the pack eventually turning over three Jacks together near the center to the spectators amazement.

Conclude your story that in the end the friends were good to their word and all lived happy ever after.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"phone book rip" (#90)

Rip A Phonebook (#90)

Want to show off your strength at the next party? There are few strongman tricks so impressive as ripping a phonebook in half with your bare hands. Try doing it, however, and no matter how strong you are, it will be nearly impossible. With the right technique, though, almost anyone can frighten foes and dazzle everyone around them with this trick.

1) Fold the phonebook in the center with your thumbs.Use your thumbs to bend down the center of the phonebook. Put your thumbs close together in the middle (though still along the top edge) of the book. Push down with your thumbs so that the center of the book bends down to form a sort of crease.

2) Place your index fingers to the sides of the fold. While your thumbs will be on the top side (the front) of the book, your other fingers will all be folded over the edge so that they grip the bottom side (in other words, the back) of the book. Your index fingers (also called "pointer fingers") should be right against the sides of the fold your thumbs have created..

3)Note the tiny air spaces in the crease.Bend the side edges of the book downward with your fingers. Keeping your thumbs (and the crease) in position, begin to bend the corners of the book down while also pushing inward on the crease. You'll feel your chest (pectoral) muscles being used if you're doing it right. The crease in the book will become more accentuated, and if you look carefully at the crease, you'll be able to see pockets of air form between the pages.

4)Begin the tear by pulling the edges downward and outward while keeping the crease folded.Rotate your hands to tear the book. Twist the right side of the book up with your right hand while twisting the left side down with your left hand (this can be reversed depending on what's comfortable for you). Maintain a firm grip on the book at all times, and use your pectoral muscles to keep firm inward pressure on the book. The book should begin to tear.

.5) Continue tearing. Rearrange your hands if necessary.Tear through the book. If you're strong enough and maintain a good grip on the book, you may be able to rip the book all the way down the center of its length in one shot. Otherwise you may need to reposition your hands and continue ripping less gracefully. Either way, it will be impressive.

Monday, September 29, 2008

"Card In Pocket"(#89)

Card in Pocket(#89)

This is a stunning preformance, but you will laugh once you know how easy it is. In this trick, you take out a normal deck of cards and tell one of the members of the audience to make a cut in the deck. Taking the "cut" part, the spectator is to flip it upside-down and place it back on the deck. You tell the spectator to cut once more, more deeply into the deck. Again, you tell him or her to turn the "cut" upside-down and place it back on the deck. You then show them the first face down card that they cut to. You give the deck to them to shuffle. When they are done shuffling, you take the deck and put it into your jacket pocket. You ask them what their card is. Pretend they say, "six of hearts" You reach into your pocket and pull out the six of hearts!
Items Needed For Trick:You need two decks of identical cards.

Secret Set Up : Before the show, put whatever card you want them to pick in the small pocket inside your coat and take another identical deck out and place the identical card on top of the deck. Simply do the cuts mentioned above and this naturally forces the card to be chosen. You let the spectator shuffle the cards as much as you like and stick it into the big pocket in your coat. Ask what card was theirs and reach into the little pocket and pull out their card. What I mean by, big pocket and little pocket, is most jackets have two pockets on the inside

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Effect: Two rubber bands separate from each other mysteriously. This is a baffling and quite visible penetration.

Secret: Place one rubber band around the left thumb and forefinger. Your fingers should make a C formation. Causing the rubber band to be tight between your fingers. Point these fingers toward your audience. (This hand is set and does nothing else).

Drape the other rubber band over your first finger on the right hand and lower it behind the other rubber band. Slip your right thumb into the bottom of the draped rubber band. The back of your right hand should be facing your audience. This is the locked position. From here it should look like that there is no way possible that the rubber bands can separate. Stretch the rubber bands showing that they are behind each other.

If you do this a few times people begin to get lazy and not notice the dirty work; Stretch the rubber bands back towards your wrist. The middle finger of the right hand slips through the bottom part of the rubber band and your thumb releases it.

This should be hidden by the back of your right hand. The audience has seen you make the same motions twice already so they don't expect anything. Your thumb comes up and places itself next to your right forefinger, sliding in behind around the rubber band. Bring your hands back together and the rubber band slips off your middle finger as you separate your forefinger and thumb. Wave your hands magically and separate the rubber bands.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

cut & restored Dollar(#87)

Cut And Restored Dollar (#87)

THE EFFECT: The magician displays two bank notes and shows them openly back and front for all the audience to see.
The magician places them back to back, he/she then cuts through the center of both notes with a pair of scissors - the notes are clearly seen to be cut into four halves. No mistaking that!
Without any suspicious moves, the magician instantly open both halvesto show the notes, restored to their original condition, Incredible !!!!
# One of the coolest dollar bill tricks# You can let a spectator cut the notes!# Amazing magic that is EASY to perform!# No tricky sleight of hand needed# Can be viewed from any angle# Can be performed surrounded by an audience
THE SECRET: This is one of the greatest dollar bill tricks, it's an excellent "cut and restored" illusion that is really effective when performed with real money. You can use play money, fake money, blank cheques or any form of printed paper about the size of regular currency.

Place two nearly new bills facedown on a table. Apply a thinlayer of rubber cement, about half an inch wide, down the centre of the back of each note.
When this is dry, add a secondcoat of rubber cement and allow that to dry also. What's rubber cement? Its a type of craft glue that dries to a rubbery finish and can normally be purchased from a hardware store or perhaps on Ebay.
Next, sprinkle a little talcum powder (baby powder) on the cement covered area on each bill. Spread the talcum powder over the entire surface of the cement with your finger or a soft brush.
You will notice that the treated areas of both dollar bills will not stick to each other because of the powdered surface. Put the bills in your wallet/purse or on the table and you are ready to perform this very well thought out close up effect!

THE METHOD: Begin by removing the two prepared notes from your wallet/purse and casually show both sides of the notes. Place them back to back.
We will call the note nearest you Note A and the one nearest the spectators Note B. Square up both notes. Be sure that the cemented areas are touching each other. Hold both notes with the thumb and finger of your left hand. With your right hand holding the scissors, carefully cut through the centerof both notes. Make sure that you cut within the areas covered by the cement stripes. Done openly and deliberately, there will be no doubt in the audiences mind that both bills have been cut in half - which they have!
Place the scissors aside. Grip the halves on the right sides of the cut in your right hand (one half of Note A and one half of Note B) and the left side's two halves (the other two halves of Note A and Note B) in your left hand.
With the thumb and fingers of both hands, separate the halves of the notes , and shake them open .
Because of the rubber cement, the halves in each hand will stick together at the cut edges giving the illusion that the four half notes have melted together to form two complete notes once again!
The reason this is one of the most convincing dollar bill tricks in my mind is because the spectators see and hear the notes being cut, so it is that much more believable when they are 'restored'.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Meet Your Match" (#86)

"Meet Your Match"(#86)

In this clever trick, freely selected cards, magically find their mate.
Effect: Two cards are freely (yes, freely) selected and inserted face up in the deck in two different places. Magician runs through the deck and drops the face-up selected card and the face-down card next to it, on the table.When the face-down cards are turned face up, they are seen to be the mates of the selected cards in color and value.

Set-up: Put deck in “Best Friends” order. (see below)

Performance: Spread the deck and have a card selected. Cut all cards above selected cardto the bottom. Have card removed and replaced on the top of the deck, faceup. Undercut half the deck and peek at the bottom card. If it is a mate tothe selected card, remember that the selected card is a before card. If it is not a mate, the selected card is an after card. Drop the cards in your righthand on top of the face up card. Repeat this 2 or 3 times; if you do it moretimes than that, it can be hard to remember what cards are what. Now runthrough the deck. When you hit an after card, drop it and the card after iton the table. When you hit a before card, drop it and the card before it onthe table. Flip over the cards, and they match. Be sure to explain the mateconcept before you flip over the cards.

Features: Cards cut as often as you like Cards are freely chosen, no forces of any kind Does not work on Rainbow Deck principle

Best Friends Order The deck is simply set up in pairs by value and color. Put the two red kings together, the two black twos, the two red jacks, etc. You can cut this deck all you want. The Best Friends effect wont be affected if a pair are separated, one on top and one on bottom. With another cut the order will right itself.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"super touch" (#85)

"Super Touch" (#85)

You appear to correctly pair up all the kings and queens in a shuffled deck using only the sense of touch.
This impressive close up trick starts with an ordinary pack of playing cards, which you pass to a member of the audience. Ask them to look through the pack, remove the four kings, the four queens and lay them on the table face upward.
Once this has been done, arrange the cards in four pairs, king of spades with queen of spades etc and so on. Then put these four pairs on top of each other to form a pack of 8 cards which is then left face down on the table.
At this stage, ask several people to cut the cards (but not to shuffle them) to give the impression that the cards are mixed.
And now for the main part of the performance. State that your touch is so finely tuned that you can separate the kings and queens just by feeling them. At which point you put the 8 cards behind your back and moments later, display the four kings in one hand and four queens in the other.
Now it's time to up the stakes. So you make the bold claim that you can reunite the four pairs of cards, again using nothing more than your finely tuned sense of touch.
Pick up the four queens, place them on top of the four kings and leave the cards face down on the table.
Again get a number of people to cut (but not shuffle them) the cards until it appears that they are well mixed. Finally pick up the cards and put them behind your back. Seconds later you start to produce the cards from behind your back, two at a time and lay them face down on the table. When they are turned over, they reveal that all four pairs have been correctly matched.
And if you can perform a false shuffle in a believable manner, you could incorporate that as part of the trick.

Part One: When you put the cards behind your back for the first time, take every second card with one hand and the rest with the other. Or, to put it another way, one hand should take cards 1, 3, 5 and 7, while the other hand takes cards 2, 4, 6 and 8. Due to the way that the cards were ordered before you picked them up, this will always separate the kings and queens.

Part Two: When you put the cards face down for the audience to cut before you put the cards behind your back for the second time, the audience should think that you arrange them in a face down pile at random. But as with most things in magic, nothing is left to chance.
Make sure that both the queens and the kings are in the same suit order. For example spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds. This is a good choice because it goes black, red, black, red, so once you've picked up the first two queens, the next two will be even easier to put in order. Then collect the kings in the same order; spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds. A code way to remember this is the saying SHow CoDe, which has the initials of the suits in the correct order.
Make sure you collect the cards together as convincingly as possible. Make it look as though you're tidying up the cards from the way they were left at the end of the first part of the trick. Once you've done that, turn the 8 cards face down and get the audience to cut ithe pack several times.
And finally, when you have them behind your back, take the top four cards in one hand and the other four cards in your other hand. Then produce the cards in pairs taking the top card from each hand, until all four pairs are on the table. All that's left is for you to ask a member of the audience to reveal each of the matching pairs in turn.

Monday, September 15, 2008

"metal magic" (#84)


“Pick a number between 50-100 with even and different digits.” Answer: 68.

This works often enough to be worth the try....make it fun !!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"palm Penetration" (#83)

Palm Penetration (#83)

A clever impromptu trick where a coin appears to pass through your hand

Effect: You ask the spectator to hold out his or her hand palm up . You in turn place your hand on top of theirs, palm down . With your other free hand, you place a quarter or other coin on top of your hand and explain to the spectator that with one quick slap of the coin, you will make it pass through your hand and into theirs !

Materials needed: 2 identical coins, a small piece of transparent adhesive tape or magician's wax.
Secret: When you place your hand on top of the spectators open hand, you will already have the coin in your palm. If you place your hand on top of theirs quickly enough, the coin will not fall nor will the spectator already feel it in their hand ! You then place the " other " coin on top, on the back of your hand.
On the palm of your other free hand, is where the tape or wax will be. Then with a quick motion, you smack the top of the coin, which will stick to the tape/wax. Slowly remove your other hand to let the surprised spectator see how it " magically " passed through your hand!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blind Folded Deck (#82)

Blind Folded Deck (#82)

In this clever trick, the magician correctly names a hidden card.

You Need: A deck of cards, a handkerchief

Effect: The card magician puts a deck of cards under a handkerchief. The spectator cuts the deck. The magician then pulls the bottom part of the deck out and names the top card without looking at it.
SECRET: Before you perform the card trick, look at the top card. When you put the deck of cards under the handkerchief (face down), turn the deck around under the handkerchief (face up). Then have the spectator cut the deck, but do not let the spectator complete the cut. You should now have two piles under the handkerchief. Turn the part of the deck of cards that you are holding over, then take it out, name the card ---that's it !!

Monday, September 1, 2008

"Hanger Jump" (#81)

The magician holds a rope between his hands. There are three knots tied on it, and on the center knot is tied to a wire hanger. The magician says a magic word and FLASH, right before everyone's eyes, the hanger jumps from the center knot to the right knot!

Use a strong piece of rope, about 3' long. It should be about ¼" thick. Make 4 knots on the rope. Knots B, C and D are regular knots. The hanger is tied to knot C(the third knot). But knot A isn't a regular knot, it is a "slip knot." It looks pretty much like the others, but when pulled by the ends of the rope, comes undone.

Begin the trick with knot D covered by your right hand. Hold the rope so that knots A, B, and C are showing.
Say: "Here we have three knots. Notice that a hanger is tied onto the end knot. But watch … Abracadabra!"
Now, do two things:
First: Pull the rope very tight between your hands. This will cause the slipknot (A) to come undone. It seems to disappear.
Second: Pull the rope again with the left hand. Slide knot D from your right hand. When you do this fast, it looks to the audience as if the hanger has jumped from the end knot to the center knot.
Practice, practice, practice … try it in front of a mirror, then when you can do it fast and smoothly, try it in front of your friends and family. It's a great trick.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Anti-Gravity Ketchup" (#80)

Anti Gravity Ketchup Trick(#80)

Amazing but incredibly easy trick, where you command a ketchup sachet to rise and fall, inside a bottle at your command with a simple hand motion. Very visual and amusing levitating trick.

Sachet is floating at top of water filled bottle.
A downward hand motion, commands the ketchup to sink to the bottom.
and down hand motions can stop the ketchup at will.

You Will Need: A clear plastic bottle such as one that has been used for soft drinks or mineral water. You will also need a condiment sachet, these are usually found in fast food outlets.

1) Take the label of the bottle so as to make the contents clearly visible.
2) Fill the bottle, near to the top with cold tap water.
3) Insert the sachet into the bottle, it should float at the top of the bottle.
4) Holding the base of the bottle, as if to steady it, apply gentle squeezing pressure to the base. The increase in pressure inside the bottle should cause the sachet to float slowly downwards. Releasing the grip on the bottle will allow the sachet to float upwards.
5) To make the sachet stop in the middle of the bottle, you need to apply just the right amount of pressure, this can be found with practice.
The beauty of this trick is the audience are completely unaware of the technique as their attention is drawn to the motions of your other hand, beckoning the sachet to rise and fall. Add an interesting line of patter and you have a great impromtu levitation trick that is easy to set up and can be used in a wide variety of places or as a pub trick.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Thread Trick" (#79)

David Blaine's secret trick made this broken and restored thread illusion very popular.

Hindu Gypsy Thread (#79)
Performer takes a spool of thread, unravels about a foot of it, & then breaks it off, putting the spool down. Performer proceeds to break the thread into 6 or 7 clearly broken & different pieces, then holding one piece in one hand, the other pieces are rolled up into a ball and 'squashed' onto the piece from the other hand. When this is unravelled it is seen to be completely restored to it's original length. VERY visual, & very clean, pretty easy to do as well.

Preparation: Only practice & you need a spool of cotton thread, preferably brightly coloured. It has to be cotton, otherwise you will need scissors to cut it. Or you could do a burned & restored thread.

Performance: First, before you approach the spectator, unravel about a foot and 1/2 to 2 foot of thread. Now make a tiny ball of thread out of the extra thread you have, so you should have a ball of thread, then a foot of thread (still on the spool). The ball is tiny enough to fit, unnoticed, into the fleshy part of your thumb & index finger when they are pressed together. Now there should be a couple of inches of thread, then a ball (hidden)(all in your right hand) then a foot of thread & then the spool (in your left hand). Now approach the spectator. Break your foot of thread from the spool, & give them the spool to hold.
It looks like you are holding a foot of thread, when really, thanks to the ball you are hiding between your index finger & thumb (right hand), you have more like a foot & 1/2. Break the 1st piece off, now the piece in your right hand looks like a 5 inch length. Thanks to the hidden ball it is a foot long (your restored thread). The pieces in your left hand can be broken as many times as you like, clearly show the thread to be broken. Now, by rubbing your (LH) thumb & index finger together, make a ball of the pieces of thread and 'squash' the 5 inch thread from your RH onto the ball, at the same time, tucking the ball so it's hidden between your index & thumb (LH). Now the ball you have been hiding the whole trick is visible, it looks like the ball you just made out of the broken thread. It can be unravelled & is restored. Give it to the spectator as a souvenir.
As far as patter goes you can pretty much say whatever you want, I'm sure you will anyway

Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Magnetic Fingers" (#78)

Magnetic Fingers Trick (#78)

This trick appears to be like hypnotism - Is your patter good enough to convince them ?
Ask your friend if you could try a little "instant hypnosis" on them. Assure them that it's safe and nothing harmful can or will happen.
Next, ask your friend to fold their hands together, weaving the fingers and clasping them tightly. After a few moments of doing this, tell them to raise their two index (first) fingers so they are sticking up and they should be about an inch apart ("church and steeple" kind of thing).
Now, slowly move your hands over their hands (don't touch their hands) and say, "Your fingers will touch. Try to fight it, but they will still touch!"
Slowly, but inevitably, your friends fingers will start to move together. Tell them to concentrate on their fingers (just ham it up, okay?) and soon their fingers will touch.
This is self-working, but it should still be practiced! It's a great bar trick, to. Have fun!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Effect : The magician is seen to write something down on a paper note pad and does not allow the spectator to see what he has written. The magican announces that he is about to ask the spectator a question and because he can read his mind, already knows the answer that the spectator will reply back with. The spectator is then asked to think of a number between one and a hundred or a simple shape such as a triangle, square or rectangle and reveal this out loud. The note pad is then shown to find that the magician had written the same number or shape down on the note pad!

SECRET: Make a gimmick by taping a small piece of broken pencil lead to your thumb, ( Use clear adhesive tape such as Sellotape so that the spectator and audience will not see it and remember to keep the sticky side facing out ). Initially write nothing on the note pad, ( only appear to be writing something ) and when you hide the face of the note pad from the spectator, do so with your thumb facing the side of the paper that you had supposedly written something on ( See picture 3). When your victim says the number or shape that they have thought of, simply write it on the note pad with your thumb and then show it to them as your prediction.
This trick is really convincing but depends a great deal on the magicians performance. Try your hand at acting, look as if you are really concentrating and that the trick requires real mental effort on your part. This will reinforce the illusion that you really can read minds.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Spoon Illusion" (#76)


A Super Close Up Tea Spoon Twister Trick That Leaves An Audience Dumbfounded

First of all you casually lift a teaspoon after stirring your tea or even while your still holdiing it, - glance at it with an amused look and wiggle it up and down a little, as if it's kind of bendy and malleable..
You then calmly proceed to bend the bowl of the spoon backwards and forwards and look a little amused. You now appear to do an impossible feat of strength and twist the bowl of the spoon round and round, several times.
You can if your wish, break the bowl of the spoon right off, and then join it back together again and with a couple of twists - you just shake your head in disbelief at the poor quality of the spoon and it back down on the table - Fully Restored Back Together!!!

You first need to prepare a simple gimmick. - This is just the bowl part of an old teaspoon that you have cut off with a hacksaw. - see picture on the left. ( Take care when using a hacksaw and file off any sharp edges, this should only be done by an adult )

The gimmicked spoon bowl has to be finger-palmed - This means simply holding it gently in your loosely curled fingers. - So have this kept in a convenient pocket where it's very easy to grasp it with your fingers.

The effectiveness of this close up magic illusion is all down to your presentation. - Holding the spoon in your right hand (or the opposite hand from the one that holds the spoon bowl in finger palm position), you give it a wiggle from side to side and if you hold it loosely between your thumb and forefinger it will appear as if the spoon is flexible and bending. While bending the spoon, try to look a little surprised as to why the spoon looks so bendy..

Now take hold of the spoon with your left hand - the hand that is finger palming the gimmicked spoon bowl. - The spoon is held with the thumb and the first finger of the left hand with the bowl of the spoon slid behind the third, fourth and little fingers. You now can slide the gimmick out perpendicular to the real spoon's stem making it look like it came off, etc..!! You can use your other hand to help manipulate things a bit---just pretend you are twisting, etc...

You are now in a position to appear to bend, twist and break off the bowl of the spoon as you so desire, making some amusing remarks about the poor quality of the cutlery.. This is a great trick for the close-up lover !

Friday, August 22, 2008

"Hand Flip Coin Trick" (#76)

"Hand Flip" (#76)


1. Lay two coins in the palms of your hands - the positions are very important! The coin in my left hand is right in the middle of my palm. The coin in my right hand is near my thumb.

2. In one quick motion, flip both hands over and slap them straight down onto the table. The coin in your right hand should get flicked across and under your left hand. The coin in your left hand should simply fall straight down.

3. Ask your audience where they think the coins are – they'll probably guess there's one under each hand. If you move your right pinkie finger a bit, people usually guess the coins are under your right hand – then you can reveal they are wrong!

4. Reveal both coins under your left hand. If you repeat the trick, be quick! Try not to let anyone notice the positions of the coins.

The position of the coins in your palms makes this trick work. As you rotate your hands from "palms up" to "palms down", the coin in the centre of your palm stays put and falls straight down. But the coin near your thumb travels around the centre of your palm and gets catapulted towards the other hand. With a bit of practice, it is almost impossible to see this coin shooting across before you slap your hand down to cover it. The reason one of the coins gets flicked across is easy to understand if you imagine using a table tennis bat instead of your hand. Imagine laying one coin smack bang in the centre of one of a bat. As you rotate the bat, the coin rotates around its own centre too, but it does not get flicked away. If you lay the second coin right on the outside edge of the other bat, something quite different happens. This coin travels around the centre of the bat in a big semi-circle and if you rotate the bat quickly enough, it will get flicked away. How fast the coin gets flicked across depends on how far it is from the centre of your palm and the speed with which you flip your hands over.

Thursday, August 21, 2008



Stunning Card Effect Performed Completely By The Spectator

Effect: The magician asks the spectator whether he knows any card tricks. Whatever the spectator answers, the magician says "Well, heres a great trick, only YOU'RE going to perform it."
The spectator is handed a deck of cards and asked to hold them with the cards facing the magician, the backs towards himself. The magician picks a card, which the spectator removes and places on the table, never looking at it. The spectator then deals two piles on the table. The top card of the first pile reveals the value of the selected card, while the top card of the second pile reveals the suit !!

Performance: This trick is actually not too difficult, but the effect is astonishing because the magician never actually handles the deck. The only real skills necessary are good verbal communications and misdirection.
After the spectator shuffles the deck, have him fan them in front of his face with the backs of the cards towards himself. Tell him to start fanning at the top of the deck and continue to the bottom. Meanwhile, you watch for the card that has the same value as the top card and the same suit as the card second from top
Note: If these two cards have the same value or the same suit, the trick won't work. In this case, ask the spectator whether he cut the cards. When he says no, tell him to cut the deck and start over again.
When you find that particular card, touch it and have him pull it out and place it on the table face down. Then tell him to think of a number and to count that many of into a neat pile on the table. (This puts the two pointer cards on the bottom of the pile.)
Have him discard the rest of the cards in his hands, pick up the pile on the table, and deal the cards alternately into two piles. (The two pointer cards are now on top of each of the new piles.) Remember that the last card he deals will show the value (ace, 2, 3, etc) of the selected card while the next-to-last card (the top one on the other pile) will show the suit.
Explain to the spectator that if he has been concentrating on the card on the table, he will have subconsciously picked two cards that will respectively reveal the value and suit of the card that you the magician have randomly selected. Flip the three cards to reveal that this is so.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



The Effect: Take a rubber band and thread a borrowed finger ring onto it. The ring is sitting in the center of the band, but then slowly creeps up the rubber band, all by itself!
What You Need: A rubber band, not a real thick one, and a borrowed ring.

The SECRET: This trick almost works by itself. Actually, the rubber band does the trick, but you take the credit! Break the rubber band. You now have a long piece. Borrow a ring. Thread the ring onto the rubber band, but stretch the rubber band (not all the way; about 12" between your hands) and keep most of the rubber band in your left hand. When you do this, you will have a long, loose piece dangling hidden in your left palm. The spectators won't see this as the back of your hands are towards them. Your hands should be at the same level so that the rubber band is horizontal. Make sure that the ring is closer to right fingers, but not touching the fingers, about an inch away. Raise your right hand and allow the ring to fall towards your left hand and say, "Anyone can make the ring fall down. But I can make the ring fall up!" Allow the ring to fall within an inch of your left fingertips. Gently ease the grip on the rubber band with your left fingers allowing the rubber band to slide between your left fingertips. Don't worry; they won't see this. (You'll actually fool yourself the first time you do this!) The ring will move up the rubber band as if it were on an escalator. This is a lot of fun.