Saturday, November 29, 2008

"The Levitating Match (#107)

The Levitating Match (#107)

Effect: You borrow an ordinary match from someone and place it in the palm of your hand. Ask your spectator to concentrate on moving the match by psychic power. The match then suddenly twitches, then jumps and finally, it raises up and stands on end!

SECRET: You will need two props for this. One is a small but powerful ceramic magnet and the other is a small steel rod that you conceal inside an ordinary paper match. Split the paper on a match from the bottom, insert the steel rod and glue the match back together again.
You then palm the gimmicked match in your hand, then pretend to tear it from your spectator's matchbook and place it in the palm of your hand. The magnet is concealed under your sleeve, near your elbow. Hold the magnet in place with an elastic bandage and wear clothing loose enough to conceal it.
With the match in the palm of your hand, ask your sucker to concentrate and slowly move your hand up towards your elbow, palm up. As you get the match closer to the magnet, it will begin to jump or twitch. You can control its action just by how close you allow the match to get. Hold it directly over the magnet and the match will wobble and suddenly stand straight up.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Psychic Dice" (#106)

Psychic Dice Trick (#106)

Ask a person to drop three dice in to a glass of water. Then ask them to hold up the glass,add up the total of the numbers on the bottom faces of the dice and then put the glass back down. You then dip your finger tips in the water, mystically rub them on your fore-head and magically tell your subject the total they have.

What's The Secret?
All you do is subtract the total of the three dice's upward faces from 21. Remember opposite sides of a die total 7 and 3 x 7 is 21.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Educated Guess" (#105)

Educated Guess

You Will Need
A sheet of blank paper, folded into thirds ,3 pencils, 3 friends

1. Tear the sheet of paper neatly along the folds so that you have three sheets of equal size. The smaller sheets may seem identical, but the centre sheet will actually be frayed on two of its sides, while the end sheets are frayedonly on one side. No one will notice this, but you will see it is an important difference, which will help you succeed with this trick! 2. Hand the centre sheet and a pencil to someone in your audience. Ask them to write down any number and then to fold the sheet into thirds. Tell the participant to concentrate on their number.
3. Hand the remaining sheets and pencils to two other audience members. Ask them to write down numbers and to fold the sheets of paper into thirds.
4. Then collect the papers and scramble them.
5. Pull out the first volunteer’s sheet. You’ll know it’s theirs because it’s the only sheet with two ragged edges. Hold up the sheet and ask the volunteer if it is their number, and they will be amazed that you picked the right one!

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Everlasting Soda" ( #104)

"Everlasting Soda" (#104)

A Super Street Magic Trick, Where A Crushed Empty Soda Can Is Magically RestoredStreet magic is best performed in a casual impromptu manner. With a little preparation and some entertaining patter, a simple magic trick can be turned into a really impressive effect. This street magic style trick is a good example of an easy trick that looks seemingly impossible. Have fun.

A seemingly empty and crushed soda can is picked up and shown to the audience. The can is held by the magician who gently rubs the top of the can, resealing it. The soda can is then slowly shaken back and forward where it is seen and heard to be restoring itself to it's original shape, right in front of the spectator's eyes. The can is then opened and fizzy soda poured into a glass which can then be drank. Amazing reaction from the audience is often had from the audience by this cool street magic trick.

How To Do The Illusion :
For this trick. you will need the following, easy to find objects. A full can of soda, ( try and use a type of soda that is quite fizzy such as Coke or Fanta ), a sheet of paper, a thumb tack, black marker pen ( a Sharpie pen is a good choice), scissors .

Make a small hole in the can with the thumb tack. The hole should be approximately one third down from the top of the can ( the end with the ring pull). Carefully empty out some of the fizzy drink, by tipping the can and squeezing it gently. When you have squeezed out sufficient liquid, the can should be able to sit upright, without drink spilling out. Crush the can slightly, so that it looks even more like a discarded can.

Cut out an oval of paper, roughly the same size as the ring pull opening on the top of the can. Color the paper oval with the black pen and stick it on top of the unopened ring pull on the can. It can be secured by dampening the paper slightly. Alternatively you can use a black non permanent marker pen and just color over the ring pull, this can just be casually rubbed off, later during the trick.

Perform trick as follows. Pick up the "empty" can and show your spectators the can, hold can upside down make sure they see the seemingly opened ring pull.. Rub two fingers over the black colored oval and secretly discard it. You have appeared to reseal the can.

Next, holding the can in one hand, make sure that the small hole in the side is covered by a finger or thumb. Tilt the can from side to side. This will shake the contents, causing the fizzy gas inside the can to expand and re inflate the can. The can can visibly be seen and heard to be repairing itself.

Now, casually pull the ring pull to open the can which as long as the hole in the side of the can is still covered, should open with a reassuring swish noise. The drink inside can now be poured into a glass for you or your audience to taste.

Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the impromptu trick. As mentioned above, the effectiveness owes a lot to your performance and timing. For instance the prepared can could be left somewhere before your there, such as on a bar table where you are meeting friends soon. The possibilities are endless.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Fine Tuned Touch (#103)
You appear to correctly pair up all the kings and queens in a shuffled deck using only the sense of touch.
This impressive close up trick starts with an ordinary pack of playing cards, which you pass to a member of the audience. Ask them to look through the pack, remove the four kings, the four queens and lay them on the table face upward.
Once this has been done, arrange the cards in four pairs, king of spades with queen of spades etc and so on. Then put these four pairs on top of each other to form a pack of 8 cards which is then left face down on the table.
At this stage, ask several people to cut the cards (but not to shuffle them) to give the impression that the cards are mixed.
And now for the main part of the performance. State that your touch is so finely tuned that you can separate the kings and queens just by feeling them. At which point you put the 8 cards behind your back and moments later, display the four kings in one hand and four queens in the other.
Now it's time to up the stakes. So you make the bold claim that you can reunite the four pairs of cards, again using nothing more than your finely tuned sense of touch.
Pick up the four queens, place them on top of the four kings and leave the cards face down on the table.
Again get a number of people to cut (but not shuffle them) the cards until it appears that they are well mixed. Finally pick up the cards and put them behind your back. Seconds later you start to produce the cards from behind your back, two at a time and lay them face down on the table. When they are turned over, they reveal that all four pairs have been correctly matched.
And if you can perform a false shuffle in a believable manner, you could incorporate that as part of the trick.

How The Trick Is Done
Part One: When you put the cards behind your back for the first time, take every second card with one hand and the rest with the other. Or, to put it another way, one hand should take cards 1, 3, 5 and 7, while the other hand takes cards 2, 4, 6 and 8. Due to the way that the cards were ordered before you picked them up, this will always separate the kings and queens.

Part Two: When you put the cards face down for the audience to cut before you put the cards behind your back for the second time, the audience should think that you arrange them in a face down pile at random. But as with most things in magic, nothing is left to chance.
Make sure that both the queens and the kings are in the same suit order. For example spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds. This is a good choice because it goes black, red, black, red, so once you've picked up the first two queens, the next two will be even easier to put in order. Then collect the kings in the same order; spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds. A code way to remember this is the saying SHow CoDe, which has the initials of the suits in the correct order.
Make sure you collect the cards together as convincingly as possible. Make it look as though you're tidying up the cards from the way they were left at the end of the first part of the trick. Once you've done that, turn the 8 cards face down and get the audience to cut ithe pack several times.

And finally, when you have them behind your back, take the top four cards in one hand and the other four cards in your other hand. Then produce the cards in pairs taking the top card from each hand, until all four pairs are on the table. All that's left is for you to ask a member of the audience to reveal each of the matching pairs in turn

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Cut & Restored Bill" (#102)

Cut And Restored Bill(#102)
THE EFFECT: The magician displays two bank notes and shows them openly back and front for all the audience to see.
The magician places them back to back, he/she then cuts through the center of both notes with a pair of scissors - the notes are clearly seen to be cut into four halves. No mistaking that!
Without any suspicious moves, the magician instantly open both halvesto show the notes, restored to their original condition, Incredible !!!!

Place two nearly new bills facedown on a table. Apply a thinlayer of rubber cement, abouthalf an inch wide, down thecentre of the back of each note.
When this is dry, add a secondcoat of rubber cement and allowthat to dry also. What's rubber cement? Its a type of craft glue that dries to a rubbery finish and can normally be purchased from a hardware store or perhaps on Ebay.
Next, sprinkle a little talcum powder (baby powder) on the cement covered area on each bill. Spread the talcum powder over the entire surface of the cement with your finger or a soft brush.
You will notice that the treated areas of both dollar bills will not stick to each other because of the powdered surface. Put the bills in your wallet/purse or on the table and you are ready to perform this very well thought out close up effect!
THE METHOD: Begin by removing the two prepared notes from your wallet/purse and casually show both sides of the notes. Place them back to back as shown in .
We will call the note nearest you Note A and the one nearest the spectators Note B Square up both notes. Be sure that the cemented areas are touching each other.Hold both notes with the thumb and finger of your left hand as shown in . With your right hand holding the scissors, carefully cut through the centerof both notes.Make sure that you cut within the areas covered by the cement stripes. Done openly and deliberately, there will be no doubt in the audiences mind that both bills have been cut in half - which they have!.
Place the scissors aside. Grip the halves on the right sides of the cut in your right hand (one half of Note A and one half of Note B) and the left side's two halves (the other two halves of Note A and Note B) in your left hand.
With the thumb and fingers of both hands, separate the halves of the notes , and shake them open .
Because of the rubber cement, the halves in each hand will stick together at the cut edges giving the illusion that the four half notes have melted together to form two complete notes once again!
The reason this is one of the most convincing dollar bill tricks in my mind is because the spectators see and hear the notes being cut, so it is that much more believable when they are 'restored' people freak out with astonishment!!!
Here are a few tips to assist you with this illusion
TIP 1: Done well, this is a real show stopperr! First practice with stage money or with newspaper cut to the size of bank notes. This way you acn experiment as to what is the beat amount of rubber cement and talcum powder to apply. You can then try it with real bills..
TIP 2: The real notes should be new and crisp (maybe from a cash machine) and fit snugly together.
TIP 3: Don't worry about losing money when using real notes, as the halves can be stuck together with clear Scotch tape, just as with any torn notes.
TIP 4: The higher the currency value the bigger the effect becomes be really brave and use $ 20 notes! (or equivalent).
TIP 5: As an alternative method you could let an audience member cut the notes just make sure you hold the notes tightly together and get them to cut in the centre (where the rubber cement is!) Practice your hand postion while holding the notes so that it will seem a natural and unforced choice for them to cut over the part of the notes that you want.
This is one of the easiest dollar bill tricks to perform but remember to practice lots and feel confident to perform it in front of a spectator, smoothly.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008



Take 21 cards and deal them out into three columns by dealing seven cards in each column. Deal three cards across for the first row, then another card on top of each for the next row, and so on until you have seven rows of cards in three columns for a total of 21 cards. Make sure you deal out each of the rows so you can still see the cards behind it.
Now have someone think of any card in one of the columns, and then tell you which column the card is in. Pick up one of the other columns, then the column he chose, and then the last column, so that the column with the chosen card is between the other two. Deal them out again the same as before, and have your volunteer tell you which column the card is now in. Again, pick up the cards so that the column he pointed to is between the other two. Repeat the process of dealing out the cards, having him tell you which column his card is now in, and picking up the cards so that the column with his card is between the other two columns. You have now done this three times, and it's time to find his card!
Hold the cards face down in your hand, as if you were going to deal them out again, but instead ask your volunteer if he has ever heard of the magic word ABRACADABRA. Say that not many people know it, but ABRACADABRA is a magic word for finding things, and that you'll show him what you mean. Spell the word ABRACADABRA, and for each letter deal one of the cards face down on the table. When you reach the last "A", pause, and then turn over that card. It will be the chosen card!

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Card Bending"(#100)

Telekinetic Card Bending

A convincing illusion where a card is seen to bend through your telekinetic powers.

While in a group of friends enjoying some refreshments, casually rub some water on the back of your hand. Then get your friends attention and announce that you are going to cause a card to bend, solely by using your telekinetic powers. Take a playing card and place it on the back of your hand ( the one that has secret ely had water rubbed on it ).

Gently press the card, flat onto your hand which should be held horizontally.

Next, remove the other hand and appear to be concentrating intensely and focusing your psychic powers on the card. The card will be seen to bend without any interaction or anything touching it. This looks amazing and you can claim it has been bent by your telekinetic energy.

This trick is enhanced greatly by your performance and patter. The card will bend automatically as it absorbs some of the water, hence cheap cards are normally more porous as they are normally less laminated. The bend in the card can be increased by picking up the card lengthwise and carefully squeezing it gently which makes the trick more convincing.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


- To force any two cards apparently at random, have one double-backed card and one double-faced card, matching the backs of the deck being used. Put the two cards to be forced in the deck near the top, maybe 7 or 8 cards down, with the double-faced card between them. Have the double-backed card on top. Holding the deck in the palm of your hand, face down, ask a spectator to take the top card. Turn the deck over so the faces are up and ask the spectator to stick the face down card into the face up deck at any point they choose. Since you know approximately where the cards to be forced are located in the deck, cut the deck a time or two, being careful to stay away from the cards to be forced. Now, all that's needed is to ribbon spread the deck, faces down, and look for the one face up card. Of course, the only face up card is the original double-facer you placed between the two cards to be forced. Take the cards immediately above and below the face up card and you're set to pull off your miracle...