Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"phone book rip" (#90)

Rip A Phonebook (#90)

Want to show off your strength at the next party? There are few strongman tricks so impressive as ripping a phonebook in half with your bare hands. Try doing it, however, and no matter how strong you are, it will be nearly impossible. With the right technique, though, almost anyone can frighten foes and dazzle everyone around them with this trick.

1) Fold the phonebook in the center with your thumbs.Use your thumbs to bend down the center of the phonebook. Put your thumbs close together in the middle (though still along the top edge) of the book. Push down with your thumbs so that the center of the book bends down to form a sort of crease.

2) Place your index fingers to the sides of the fold. While your thumbs will be on the top side (the front) of the book, your other fingers will all be folded over the edge so that they grip the bottom side (in other words, the back) of the book. Your index fingers (also called "pointer fingers") should be right against the sides of the fold your thumbs have created..

3)Note the tiny air spaces in the crease.Bend the side edges of the book downward with your fingers. Keeping your thumbs (and the crease) in position, begin to bend the corners of the book down while also pushing inward on the crease. You'll feel your chest (pectoral) muscles being used if you're doing it right. The crease in the book will become more accentuated, and if you look carefully at the crease, you'll be able to see pockets of air form between the pages.

4)Begin the tear by pulling the edges downward and outward while keeping the crease folded.Rotate your hands to tear the book. Twist the right side of the book up with your right hand while twisting the left side down with your left hand (this can be reversed depending on what's comfortable for you). Maintain a firm grip on the book at all times, and use your pectoral muscles to keep firm inward pressure on the book. The book should begin to tear.

.5) Continue tearing. Rearrange your hands if necessary.Tear through the book. If you're strong enough and maintain a good grip on the book, you may be able to rip the book all the way down the center of its length in one shot. Otherwise you may need to reposition your hands and continue ripping less gracefully. Either way, it will be impressive.

Monday, September 29, 2008

"Card In Pocket"(#89)

Card in Pocket(#89)

This is a stunning preformance, but you will laugh once you know how easy it is. In this trick, you take out a normal deck of cards and tell one of the members of the audience to make a cut in the deck. Taking the "cut" part, the spectator is to flip it upside-down and place it back on the deck. You tell the spectator to cut once more, more deeply into the deck. Again, you tell him or her to turn the "cut" upside-down and place it back on the deck. You then show them the first face down card that they cut to. You give the deck to them to shuffle. When they are done shuffling, you take the deck and put it into your jacket pocket. You ask them what their card is. Pretend they say, "six of hearts" You reach into your pocket and pull out the six of hearts!
Items Needed For Trick:You need two decks of identical cards.

Secret Set Up : Before the show, put whatever card you want them to pick in the small pocket inside your coat and take another identical deck out and place the identical card on top of the deck. Simply do the cuts mentioned above and this naturally forces the card to be chosen. You let the spectator shuffle the cards as much as you like and stick it into the big pocket in your coat. Ask what card was theirs and reach into the little pocket and pull out their card. What I mean by, big pocket and little pocket, is most jackets have two pockets on the inside

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Effect: Two rubber bands separate from each other mysteriously. This is a baffling and quite visible penetration.

Secret: Place one rubber band around the left thumb and forefinger. Your fingers should make a C formation. Causing the rubber band to be tight between your fingers. Point these fingers toward your audience. (This hand is set and does nothing else).

Drape the other rubber band over your first finger on the right hand and lower it behind the other rubber band. Slip your right thumb into the bottom of the draped rubber band. The back of your right hand should be facing your audience. This is the locked position. From here it should look like that there is no way possible that the rubber bands can separate. Stretch the rubber bands showing that they are behind each other.

If you do this a few times people begin to get lazy and not notice the dirty work; Stretch the rubber bands back towards your wrist. The middle finger of the right hand slips through the bottom part of the rubber band and your thumb releases it.

This should be hidden by the back of your right hand. The audience has seen you make the same motions twice already so they don't expect anything. Your thumb comes up and places itself next to your right forefinger, sliding in behind around the rubber band. Bring your hands back together and the rubber band slips off your middle finger as you separate your forefinger and thumb. Wave your hands magically and separate the rubber bands.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

cut & restored Dollar(#87)

Cut And Restored Dollar (#87)

THE EFFECT: The magician displays two bank notes and shows them openly back and front for all the audience to see.
The magician places them back to back, he/she then cuts through the center of both notes with a pair of scissors - the notes are clearly seen to be cut into four halves. No mistaking that!
Without any suspicious moves, the magician instantly open both halvesto show the notes, restored to their original condition, Incredible !!!!
# One of the coolest dollar bill tricks# You can let a spectator cut the notes!# Amazing magic that is EASY to perform!# No tricky sleight of hand needed# Can be viewed from any angle# Can be performed surrounded by an audience
THE SECRET: This is one of the greatest dollar bill tricks, it's an excellent "cut and restored" illusion that is really effective when performed with real money. You can use play money, fake money, blank cheques or any form of printed paper about the size of regular currency.

Place two nearly new bills facedown on a table. Apply a thinlayer of rubber cement, about half an inch wide, down the centre of the back of each note.
When this is dry, add a secondcoat of rubber cement and allow that to dry also. What's rubber cement? Its a type of craft glue that dries to a rubbery finish and can normally be purchased from a hardware store or perhaps on Ebay.
Next, sprinkle a little talcum powder (baby powder) on the cement covered area on each bill. Spread the talcum powder over the entire surface of the cement with your finger or a soft brush.
You will notice that the treated areas of both dollar bills will not stick to each other because of the powdered surface. Put the bills in your wallet/purse or on the table and you are ready to perform this very well thought out close up effect!

THE METHOD: Begin by removing the two prepared notes from your wallet/purse and casually show both sides of the notes. Place them back to back.
We will call the note nearest you Note A and the one nearest the spectators Note B. Square up both notes. Be sure that the cemented areas are touching each other. Hold both notes with the thumb and finger of your left hand. With your right hand holding the scissors, carefully cut through the centerof both notes. Make sure that you cut within the areas covered by the cement stripes. Done openly and deliberately, there will be no doubt in the audiences mind that both bills have been cut in half - which they have!
Place the scissors aside. Grip the halves on the right sides of the cut in your right hand (one half of Note A and one half of Note B) and the left side's two halves (the other two halves of Note A and Note B) in your left hand.
With the thumb and fingers of both hands, separate the halves of the notes , and shake them open .
Because of the rubber cement, the halves in each hand will stick together at the cut edges giving the illusion that the four half notes have melted together to form two complete notes once again!
The reason this is one of the most convincing dollar bill tricks in my mind is because the spectators see and hear the notes being cut, so it is that much more believable when they are 'restored'.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Meet Your Match" (#86)

"Meet Your Match"(#86)

In this clever trick, freely selected cards, magically find their mate.
Effect: Two cards are freely (yes, freely) selected and inserted face up in the deck in two different places. Magician runs through the deck and drops the face-up selected card and the face-down card next to it, on the table.When the face-down cards are turned face up, they are seen to be the mates of the selected cards in color and value.

Set-up: Put deck in “Best Friends” order. (see below)

Performance: Spread the deck and have a card selected. Cut all cards above selected cardto the bottom. Have card removed and replaced on the top of the deck, faceup. Undercut half the deck and peek at the bottom card. If it is a mate tothe selected card, remember that the selected card is a before card. If it is not a mate, the selected card is an after card. Drop the cards in your righthand on top of the face up card. Repeat this 2 or 3 times; if you do it moretimes than that, it can be hard to remember what cards are what. Now runthrough the deck. When you hit an after card, drop it and the card after iton the table. When you hit a before card, drop it and the card before it onthe table. Flip over the cards, and they match. Be sure to explain the mateconcept before you flip over the cards.

Features: Cards cut as often as you like Cards are freely chosen, no forces of any kind Does not work on Rainbow Deck principle

Best Friends Order The deck is simply set up in pairs by value and color. Put the two red kings together, the two black twos, the two red jacks, etc. You can cut this deck all you want. The Best Friends effect wont be affected if a pair are separated, one on top and one on bottom. With another cut the order will right itself.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"super touch" (#85)

"Super Touch" (#85)

You appear to correctly pair up all the kings and queens in a shuffled deck using only the sense of touch.
This impressive close up trick starts with an ordinary pack of playing cards, which you pass to a member of the audience. Ask them to look through the pack, remove the four kings, the four queens and lay them on the table face upward.
Once this has been done, arrange the cards in four pairs, king of spades with queen of spades etc and so on. Then put these four pairs on top of each other to form a pack of 8 cards which is then left face down on the table.
At this stage, ask several people to cut the cards (but not to shuffle them) to give the impression that the cards are mixed.
And now for the main part of the performance. State that your touch is so finely tuned that you can separate the kings and queens just by feeling them. At which point you put the 8 cards behind your back and moments later, display the four kings in one hand and four queens in the other.
Now it's time to up the stakes. So you make the bold claim that you can reunite the four pairs of cards, again using nothing more than your finely tuned sense of touch.
Pick up the four queens, place them on top of the four kings and leave the cards face down on the table.
Again get a number of people to cut (but not shuffle them) the cards until it appears that they are well mixed. Finally pick up the cards and put them behind your back. Seconds later you start to produce the cards from behind your back, two at a time and lay them face down on the table. When they are turned over, they reveal that all four pairs have been correctly matched.
And if you can perform a false shuffle in a believable manner, you could incorporate that as part of the trick.

Part One: When you put the cards behind your back for the first time, take every second card with one hand and the rest with the other. Or, to put it another way, one hand should take cards 1, 3, 5 and 7, while the other hand takes cards 2, 4, 6 and 8. Due to the way that the cards were ordered before you picked them up, this will always separate the kings and queens.

Part Two: When you put the cards face down for the audience to cut before you put the cards behind your back for the second time, the audience should think that you arrange them in a face down pile at random. But as with most things in magic, nothing is left to chance.
Make sure that both the queens and the kings are in the same suit order. For example spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds. This is a good choice because it goes black, red, black, red, so once you've picked up the first two queens, the next two will be even easier to put in order. Then collect the kings in the same order; spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds. A code way to remember this is the saying SHow CoDe, which has the initials of the suits in the correct order.
Make sure you collect the cards together as convincingly as possible. Make it look as though you're tidying up the cards from the way they were left at the end of the first part of the trick. Once you've done that, turn the 8 cards face down and get the audience to cut ithe pack several times.
And finally, when you have them behind your back, take the top four cards in one hand and the other four cards in your other hand. Then produce the cards in pairs taking the top card from each hand, until all four pairs are on the table. All that's left is for you to ask a member of the audience to reveal each of the matching pairs in turn.

Monday, September 15, 2008

"metal magic" (#84)


“Pick a number between 50-100 with even and different digits.” Answer: 68.

This works often enough to be worth the try....make it fun !!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"palm Penetration" (#83)

Palm Penetration (#83)

A clever impromptu trick where a coin appears to pass through your hand

Effect: You ask the spectator to hold out his or her hand palm up . You in turn place your hand on top of theirs, palm down . With your other free hand, you place a quarter or other coin on top of your hand and explain to the spectator that with one quick slap of the coin, you will make it pass through your hand and into theirs !

Materials needed: 2 identical coins, a small piece of transparent adhesive tape or magician's wax.
Secret: When you place your hand on top of the spectators open hand, you will already have the coin in your palm. If you place your hand on top of theirs quickly enough, the coin will not fall nor will the spectator already feel it in their hand ! You then place the " other " coin on top, on the back of your hand.
On the palm of your other free hand, is where the tape or wax will be. Then with a quick motion, you smack the top of the coin, which will stick to the tape/wax. Slowly remove your other hand to let the surprised spectator see how it " magically " passed through your hand!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blind Folded Deck (#82)

Blind Folded Deck (#82)

In this clever trick, the magician correctly names a hidden card.

You Need: A deck of cards, a handkerchief

Effect: The card magician puts a deck of cards under a handkerchief. The spectator cuts the deck. The magician then pulls the bottom part of the deck out and names the top card without looking at it.
SECRET: Before you perform the card trick, look at the top card. When you put the deck of cards under the handkerchief (face down), turn the deck around under the handkerchief (face up). Then have the spectator cut the deck, but do not let the spectator complete the cut. You should now have two piles under the handkerchief. Turn the part of the deck of cards that you are holding over, then take it out, name the card ---that's it !!

Monday, September 1, 2008

"Hanger Jump" (#81)

The magician holds a rope between his hands. There are three knots tied on it, and on the center knot is tied to a wire hanger. The magician says a magic word and FLASH, right before everyone's eyes, the hanger jumps from the center knot to the right knot!

Use a strong piece of rope, about 3' long. It should be about ¼" thick. Make 4 knots on the rope. Knots B, C and D are regular knots. The hanger is tied to knot C(the third knot). But knot A isn't a regular knot, it is a "slip knot." It looks pretty much like the others, but when pulled by the ends of the rope, comes undone.

Begin the trick with knot D covered by your right hand. Hold the rope so that knots A, B, and C are showing.
Say: "Here we have three knots. Notice that a hanger is tied onto the end knot. But watch … Abracadabra!"
Now, do two things:
First: Pull the rope very tight between your hands. This will cause the slipknot (A) to come undone. It seems to disappear.
Second: Pull the rope again with the left hand. Slide knot D from your right hand. When you do this fast, it looks to the audience as if the hanger has jumped from the end knot to the center knot.
Practice, practice, practice … try it in front of a mirror, then when you can do it fast and smoothly, try it in front of your friends and family. It's a great trick.