Monday, June 30, 2008

Now---here are tested tricks for ANYONE !!


Well, let us count the reasons :

1. Magic is fun, educational, & motivational
2. Magic is entertaining to others
3. Magic is a GREAT way to meet people
4. Most people are NOT talented magicians, but most people ARE able to perfom to some degree.
5. My Uncle Norman-----who used magic to make our childhood even more enchanting than it already was.....


2. Practice these tricks until you can do them with confidence !


One or two new tricks will be added weekly to this site. All of these tricks have been tested with audiences and classrooms, and found to be successful in their entertainment value. All of these tricks can be performed by even the least talented person you know.
I tell the kids that I am able to focus hard and hit solid material through a table, etc, and onto my hand on the other side !! This trick is a guarded secret and it astounds those that see it. The secret: I use chalk. Rub chalk onto a surface, or book, etc , and simply tell the audience that you will hit it though to the other side of the wall or table , or whatever. Make sure you have secretly rubbed chalk onto your ring finger's fingernail of your left hand. If you do not curl your hand up they will never see the chalk on your nail. When you stick your left hand under the table (to "catch the chalk" that you are hitting through it) just flick the fingernail onto the palm of the left hand---it will leave a chalk mark on the palm. After your big production and acting performance, you "chop" it through, and the audience will be amazed as to how the chalk mark got on your hand. Sometimes you can even do it twice in a row if there is chalk residue left on your nail. Don't give this secret away !!!

Tell someone in the audience to think of any card in a card deck. They should think of the number, the color, the shape, etc.....make sure they REALLY have it in their mind. After you make a big production out of it all, ask them to tell you the card they were thinking of. When they disclose it, say-----"THAT's the one I was thinking of too !!"---make sure you keep a staight face .......only do this once. It always brings a smile.

Only one out of 500 people can do this naturally, so when you do it, it will impress people, and you can make up all kinds of stories about why you can do it, etc....
Most people can twiddle their thumbs. But how many can twiddle with one thumb going clockwise & the other COUNTER clockwise? To accomplish this just set your hands ready to twiddle as you normally would, with fingers interlocked. Place your left thumb on the bottom of your left hand & place your right thumb on the top of your right hand. Now, scrape the left thumb UP the side of your palm while you scrape the right thumb DOWN your hand. Repeat this until your muscles learn to do it naturally. It won't take long. Enjoy.

After you have explained your great mystic powers, just ask who would like their palm "red". Ask if they are SURE, because sometimes "we do not like what is revealed". Have the victim close their eyes to "concentrate" and hold their palm out. As you color their palm with a red marker it is good to make interesting comments, etc....when they open their eyes they will laugh & cry at the same time. A good, simple gag......

Tell a spectator to take a card deck, shuffle it, then pick out any card he chooses, then he sticks that card anywhere back in the deck. As he holds the deck tell him that you will make the card he chose rise to the top of the deck. After you pretend to use your powers using straining hand motions, etc, you then take the top card off the top and look at it. Ask him to state the card he put in the deck--after all, you cannot "cheat" now with the card in your hand for all to see(let's say he says "Ace of Spades")-----with smile of satisfaction on your face, you tell the audience, "not only did the Ace of Spades rise to the top, but I also (as you turn the card for all to see) changed it to a six of Clubs!!!"(or whatever it is....) Of course, if it turns out to be the actual card, then you claim a miracle without needing to "change" anything !..... This gag will always get laughs & sighs !!

"PSYHIC GEORGE"---(or "Abe" or "Alex" or "Andy"....) (#7)
You show a dollar bill to a spectator. The spectator can only see about 1/2 of George Washington's face because you have 1/2 of the bill folded over Washington's face. You tell the spectator that George Washington was a "psyhic" which might be part of the reason he was so successful. To prove it, you tell the spectator to say outloud any of the serial numbers showing on the front of the bill. After the number is said aloud(so that "George can hear it") you slide the dollar bill off Washington's face revealing the whole face of our first president. By some miracle, the number the spectator had spoken outloud is written on George's forehead !! You explain that THAT is what George had predicted you would say !! The secret is the "Magician's Force". Before starting this effective little trick, you make sure you find a dollar bill with only 3 numbers in it's serial numbers----for example it might have: 34555343----this would be a perfect bill to find. Just write a 5 on George's head, then circle the three 3's on the right side of the bill that no one can see when the bill is folded over------the serial numbers are the same on both sides of the bill !! On the back of the bill write: "I knew you'd pick four" !! Once the bill is folded over George's forehead you are ready to go. If the spectator says "5" then slide the bill over revealing the whole face. If the spectator picks "3" then open the entire bill and show how "George revealed the answer by circling all the "threes" !!----in this case make sure the "5" is covered by your left thumb as you open the bill---no one ever catches this !! If the spectator says "4" then simply flip the bill over and show what George had written !! If you cannot find a bill with 3 numbers, then use one with four and just ink over one of the numbers---they never seem to care.... You may use Five Dollar Bills too, or tens, or twenties.... This is a closely guarded secret, so please only show it once, or they will discover the secret. This is a great one for us makes us look like real magicians !

You tell the spectators that you can push a large textbook through a small hole in a peice of paper without ripping the paper. The hole is only about an inch in diameter , so it seems impossible. You begin to swear that it can be done and take a few bets. I have had kids in school bet everything from a million dollars to their first children. After a big production on your part, your stand the book up on it's side, then put the paper with the small hole close to the book. With your free hand you simply put your pointer finger through the hole and "push the book through it" letting the book fall !! This REALLY gets them going. Of course, you can do this gag using any object, but it fakes them out better if it is almost believable ! In 1997 I had half the ninth grade stay after school to see this impossible trick---you never heard such a loud "groan"----those kids still laugh about it today.

My Uncle Norman used to do this to us as kids, and it always was entertaining. He would tell a story about how a cow once stepped on his arm, and how his arm was not "quite right" since. He would wear a long-sleaved shirt and roll it up to about the middle of his forearm. He would then tell us to grab his arm and pull it-----and as we pulled it looked like his arm was getting longer !! He would then snap it back. Of course he was crimping his arm a bit before we pulled, but this is a great trick for kids under........14 ?? (depends what kind of story teller you are-----sometimes even adults like it !!)


You bring out an envelope and tell the crowd that "someone in this room will say the name of a famous person, alive or dead, in the last 120 years, and that person's picture will be in the envelop !!" After teasing them awhile and taking some bets, you have someone announce who it is they were thinking of. Let's say someone says, "Elvis Presley". You say , "that is what I thought you would say and his picture is in this envelope !!" After taking a few more bets, you open the envelope and disclose a black & white picture of a 5 month old baby and announce that "here is Elvis !!" As long as you keep it black & white & a baby picture they can never prove it isn't the person ! This makes 'em laugh.

"3 - PILE" (#11)
You tell a spectator that you are going to write down something on a piece of paper "that is going to happen in a few minutes." As the suspence mounts(and people give you strange looks) you throw down 3 piles of cards, face down. A spectator is asked to pick a pile: either pile "one", "two", or "three." The card pile he picks are all four of the number 3 cards. You tell the spectator to take the piece of paper and read it---it says, "3 - pile"---the spectators are amazed.
The secret: it is another "magician's force"--of course. You always put "3-pile" on the paper. I usually put on a big show while rolling my eyes into my head before "it comes to me" and write it..... The 3 piles of cards you put down must be: 1st pile = any 3 cards 2nd pile = four # 3 cards 3rd pile = just a pile of cards. any number...
So, no matter what pile he picks is always right. If he picks the 1st pile the "3-pile" means the pile with three cards---let him count the other piles without looking at them. If he picks the 2nd pile, then you show him all the threes !! If he picks the "Third pile" then the "3-pile" means the third pile. Do this trick only once to the same audience. This effect is incredible.

"Worlds Greatest Card Trick" (#12)

You take any deck of cards and announce that you will perform the world's greatest card trick. All the spectator must do is THINK of the name of any card in the deck of his choosing, and you will find and remove that card from the deck. Surely this would be incredible. Many bets are taken--usually in the millions of dollars....The spectator thinks of a card, and you proceed to choose a card and take it out of the deck. While holding the card, you ask what the card was, and the spectator tells you---you can hardly cheat since the card is right in front of you in your hands. After the spectator gives you the name of the card, you smile, because you are indeed holding the very card he was thinking of !!
The Secret: You need a joker, and on the side with the picture of the joker you need to glue a miniature xerox of the other 52 cards !! I have done it, so can you. Mine is in black & white, but hey---it still works. I always have a person in the audience come to check out if I ready DO have the card, before the "secret is revealed.....always good for laughs. Show too many of these "tricks" and the audience becomes wary !!

You tell the spectator that you have a special deck of cards that already "knows" what they will say in the next 30 seconds. You ask the spectator to say, out loud to the face-down deck, any number between, let's say......5 & 10.... The spectator makes his choice and says out loud, "seven". You ask, "are you sure you want "seven" ? The spectator affirms his choice. You put the deck down on the table and tell the spectator to spread the cards out. As he does this, a "seven" appears upside-down, staring at the spectator---------amazing !!
The SECRET: you guessed it---another Magician's Force trick..... You can actually have the spectator keep the deck the whole time without touching it yourself, which might seem more incredible...
Before the start of the trick you simply set up the deck in a certain way. On top of the deck you place any "nine". The sixed card down should be a "six", with 3 face cards after it. On the bottom of the deck place an "eight". Take a "seven" and place it upside-down in the middle of the deck somewhere. Now you are set. No matter what the spectator says, the cards will reveal his called number. If he calls a six, just deal off 6 cards and show him what the cards "knew"---if he claims the deck was stacked that way, just show him the next 3 cards which are NOT a 7-8-9..... If he calls a seven, then he is stunned to find it is the only card upside-down ! An eight just requires the deck's bottom card to be looked at("voila"!!).....and a nine is easy----just say, "well, let's see what the deck knew".....and have them grab the top card. Only show this once lest the secret be revealed.

"Something Never Seen Before" (#14)
You tell the spectator that you will show them "something they have never seen before, and shall never see again". The spectators usually brace themselves for an amazing feat. You pick up and display a simple peanut, still in it's shell. After going through a few "abra-kadabras", etc.. you simply open the shell and show them "something never seen before" , then eat the peanut and say, ..."and shall never be seen again !!" A simple magical gag----with a smile for all.

"Coin Under Glass Disappearance" (#15)

The performer shows two sheets of white paper laying on a table. On one sheet is a coin---a dime. On the other sheet is a clear glass that you can see through and a handkerchef. I always tell kids I am going to make the coin travel to another dimension, etc.... I put the cloth over the glass and pick the glass up , then put it on the coin. When I remove the cloth, the coin is gone !! I cover the glass again to pick up the glass---and the coin reappears !! THE SECRET: All you have to do is put a little glue on the rim of a clear glass and place it on white paper until dry. Cut the paper around the rim so that the opening of the paper is covered with white paper. When you put the glass over a coin the coin seems to disappear-----this is very deceptive. It is impossible to tell that paper is on the bottom of the glass(unless the colors are different). You do not have to use a cloth---your hands will do in most cases. Simple, yet effective.


You announce that "something is going to happen" in the very near future. You take a piece of paper and start to scribble something onto it while your eyes are rolling up into their sockets(or whatever show you wish to put on).......After your scribbling, you fold up and place the paper in a safe spot where all can see it. You announce that you have no idea what is on the paper or why the scribbling "came to you" from the future. You procede to take a long-thin column of newspaper and a pair of scissors. Holding the newspaper you ask a spectator to tell you to "stop" at anytime as you move the scissors up & down the column of paper. Where "stop" is spoken, that is where you will cut the column of newspaper. Once the spectator says "stop", you ask if it is okay to cut at that spot. Whether "Yes" or "no" is said, you eventually end up cutting the paper somewhere. When the piece of newspaper that you cut falls to the floor, you ask a spectator to pick it up and read the top line where it was cut, even if some words might be cut in half, etc... the spectator reads the words, and it dawns on you that they seem strangely familiar. You take the piece of paper that you originally wrote on---and , incredibly, the same words were written by you before it all began. Impossible !!
The secret: You simply hold the newspaper colmn upside down when you cut it !! Beforehand, you looked at the top of the column and memorize most of the words---there is usually only about 3 - 5 words in a column. To be most effective you should mix the words up a bit, because, after all, the "future is sometimes unclear"....I sometimes use only parts of words too---it really fakes them out !! Make sure you are standing far enough away that they do not see the newspaper print is upside down. Just a plain column of words is best, without pictures, may also wish to cut the top unevenly beforehand just to make it look more authentic..... Make sure you don't let them handle the column and examine things too much. This trick has fooled even the brainiest of spectators. Keep this secret and practice it well.


The performer brags that he has learned a method of "teleportation"---being able to move matter through time & space. A spectator volunteers and the performer asks that the spectator holds out both hands with the palms down---sort of like the Frankenstein Monster. You adjust the spectator's arms so that they are pretty straight and outstretched. You ask the audience, "what hand should I use?" and someone says "left". You accept what the audience wants and tell the performer to close his left hand. You grab some ashes out of an ash tray and proceed to tell the spectator to turn his right hand palm up. You place the ashes into his palm, then have him close the palm around the ashes, and turn his hand back to face down. You instruct the spectator to click his fists together a few times(I always say "there's no place like home...."). Have him open his right palm and say, "some ashes have left your hand". Then have him open the fist that has been closed all along------ashes are seen in his hand !!
The secret: When you "adjust" the spectators arms, the middle finger of your right hand leaves ashes onto his palm. You must only act like it is done all the time and they will not think of you doing this. It is done quickly, then you immediately instruct the spectator to close both fists, and get on with it. You can use anything that sticks to your fingers(ashes, chalk, baby powder, etc...). The reason you ask the audience of what hand to use is to fake them out in case they catch on. You can always say that THEY picked the hand, not you. If they say "right" first, just tell them that "THAT hand will be used then" You cannot lose. I have freaked a few people out with this.


I display an UNPEALED banana to the class and ask for a volunteer. I let the volunteer hold the banana and request that he tells me how many pieces he would like me to chop the banana into. He says "3"---I say "okay". I proceed to make karate moves awhile(for show), then with a loud scream I chop at the banana stopping my hands from actually hitting it. I explain that I have been trained to cut objects using lightning speed, and that I am SO FAST that I can cut the banana without hurting the outside skin. As the volunteer proceeds to unpeel the banana, 3 separate parts of the banana fall off the fruit---they have been cut clean through !!!!
The Secret: I cheat. You take a needle and poke it into the banana, then slide it around so that it barely hits the inside wall of the skin in a circular fashion. Do this in two places so that no matter if the volunteer says one, two, or three cuts---it will always work. If he says "one cut", then just peel it down to the first cut with the needle, or the first two cuts if he says "two". Of course, if he says "three" then you have 3 parts to show. If you are too harsh when you poke and scrape the needle around inside the banana, the banana will turn brownish in that area--so be gentle. This is undetectable and fools them all !!

You take a newspaper and cut a long strip from it, fold the strip once, then proceed to cut about a half inch of the strip with scissors---right where the fold is. You tell the crowd that you obviously have two strips of paper now.
But when you let the strip fall to it's full length, instead of a piece falling to the floor, we see a whole strip that has been somehow restored, in spite of the evidence.
The secret: rubber cement. Simply cover the newspaper with rubber cement a few hours before the trick. A thin film will do it. It will not make any difference where you cut the strip because the rubber cement will cause the paper to stick where you cut it, making it look restored !! Do it all from a little distance so that the spectators cannot read the exact words on the print...... A great trick for anyone...

This may sound corny, but---so what...?
I tell the kids that I just picked up an 18-piece chicken dinner from Kentucky fried Chicken,and I show them a very tiny bag that I fit it into.......bets are taken that I cannot fit it in, because I swear that it is a COMPLETE 18-piece dinner. After the bets I proceed to open the bag an dump out the dinner----18 pieces of corn---chickens like corn. Unless they have already been there & done that, this DOES cause a few laughs.. !!
I tell the kids I have learned to avoid great pain at will.... I show my closed fist with the thumb sticking up. Over the fist I place a cloth. I proceed to take a long , sharp needle and stick it through the cloth into the thumb which is clearly still "sticking up" underneath the cloth. I wince only a little as the needle is stuck into the thumb under the cloth---a true test of focused will-power !!
The secret is a cork !! I keep a cork from a wine bottle in my closed fist. When the cloth is placed over the thumb I bring out the cork under the cloth so that it appears to be the thumb still.....the rest of the act is up to you ! Fake blood would be a nice touch !!


This might be classified as a "professional grade" trick, so please keep it secret.
I tell the kids that in my travels across space I have come across an invisible deck of cards, and that I'm not sure how it will react here on Earth (You can make up any story you want....). I hold up my hand that contains the invisible deck and ask if someone would like to catch it. I throw it to a student that wants it, then I ask him to take the cards out of the case(he pretends of course) and to find a card of his choosing. Once he has the card I ask him to turn that card backwards so that it is facing the opposite direction of all the cards in the deck, then to put the card back in the deck upsidedown so that it is the only card facing up..... Once he puts the cards back in the case, I ask him to throw the "invisible deck" back towards me so that it lands into a box I am holding. Once the deck is in the box(after being thrown), I grab it out of the box and hold it up for all to see----the deck is now visible. To prove that the deck was indeed invisible for a short time, I ask the student who chose the card to simply name the card he turned upside down---afterall, if the same card is upside in THIS deck they can all see, then that should be adequate proof. The kid names the card. I take the cards out of the deck and fan them out in my hand for all to see. Upon close examination it is shown that one card is indeed facing the other direction----the same card chosen by the volunteer !! Absolutely impossible !!
THE SECRET: This trick involves math, memory, and a gimmick. ANYBODY can do this. The "gimmick" is whatever you have that will make playing cards stick to eachother, but only enough as to allow some manipulation by the performer. I use either a very light coat of vasoline on each card, or a product from a magic shop called "roughing fluid" which is made for this purpose. Any online magic shop should have it. The backs of each card must be treated so that another card will stick , but you should be able to slide the card too. The deck must be set up this way : -- All cards that are hearts must be attached by their backs to cards that are spades, and diamonds attached to clubs. But here is the "catch" ---the sum of the value of each two cards attached MUST EQUAL 13. Queens are worth 12, Jacks are worth 11, and since kings are worth 13 --a king must be attached to another king ! For instance, a queen of spades will be attached to an ace of hearts(12 + 1 = 13). Another example would be a 6 of diamonds being attached to a 7 of clubs(6 + 7 = 13). Next: make sure all even numbered cards are facing one direction---odd numbered the other direction. The whole deck must be set up this way. Keep this deck in the box you will use to grab the all-of -a-sudden "visible" deck after tossing the "invisible" one around awhile.... Once the spectator tells you the card they turned over while the deck was "invisible", make sure you take the cards out of the deck so that the card mentioned is facing YOU when it is pulled out of the deck. For example: if the spectator says they turned the five of clubs, make sure that the first card you see when you pull the cards out of the pack is a club/diamond, and an odd numbered card. I just keep the kings on each end to keep things simple--the king of hearts has all the even numbered cards on it's side, while the king of clubs has the odd numbers. So I keep track of what side the kings are on before I open the card case---things need to look smooth... When you spread the deck out for all to see if will appear that it is just another deck---they will not notice that half the cards are not showing, and with the "roughing fluid" the cards will not reveal their backside !! All you do is slide the 5 of clubs out from behind the eight of diamonds---it will appear to be the only card turned the other way. A miracle. I keep my specially prepared cards in a baggie to keep the sticky material from wearing out.

You show the audience a simple glass made of plastic or metal. The glass is held or placed on a table, it really does not matter. You pour water into the glass for the audience to see. When you turn the glass over----nothing comes out !
The secret: I use simple water absorbers found in packages. This stuff sucks up the water and solidifies it so that it will not fall out of the glass, even if turned upside down. This is simple, yet has a nice effect.

"ONE-WAY DECK" (#24)
You take a deck of cards , shuffle them, and fan them out for the spectator to choose from. Once a card is chosen the spectator puts it back into the deck, and you shuffle again. Never once did you look at any card in the deck. As the spectator thinks about the card they chose, you explain that the mind leaves "an impression" on cards, and that you will be able to "sense" what card it is by searching through the deck until the "feeling" strikes you. Of course, you find the card. The spectator cannot repeat this feat.
The Secret: You mark the deck beforehand. Take a needle and make a tiny light scratch across every number in the upper corner. The spectator should never catch this as the scratch is so thin, but YOU will know what to look for !! When the spectator takes a card, you simply turn the deck 180 degrees so that when the card is put back the scratched card is the only card with the mark on the BOTTOM of the card. All the other cards will have a mark on the top!! You must use the over-hand shuffle(not riffle). Make sure YOU handle the deck, not the spectator. Remind the spectator that you are not looking at cards and that there is no way it can be done except by your prescribed "special powers".....


You remove a deck of cards from the card case, places the deck face down on the table, and requests a spectator to cut off as many cards as he desires. You take this cut group from the spectator, pretend to weigh the cards with your hand, and proceed to name the exact number of cards cut by the spectator !! An all but impossible feat.
The Secret: You prepare the deck beforehand. Divide the deck into 4 face-down packets of 13 cards each, ranging in value from ace to king. Suits are of no matter. Set each packet in this order: 4, 10, king, queen, 9, ace, 2 jack, 7, 3, 6,5,8, the 4 being the top card of the deck, the 8 being the 13th card in the deck. Collect packets one on top of the other. To clarify how this will work, take only the top 13 cards from the arranged deck. Cut this packet at any point, noting the card at which it is cut. Whatever its value, just remember the order of the stacking AND THE NUMBER THAT FOLLOWS THAT VALUE IS THE NUMBER OF CARDS HELD !!
Thus by cutting to an ace, you discover that this value is followed by a 6--signifying that six cards have been cut off. Again, the bottom card is an 8. A king follows the 8, signifying 13 cards. Sometimes I keep a "cheat-sheet" handy to remember the number order---but you really should memorize it !
After the first 13 cards, the arrangement repeats itself, as it also does after the 26th & 39th cards. These three numbers, 13, 26, and 39, are key numbers. When someone cuts off a packet of cards, you take the cards and note the bottom card. You may now pretend to weigh the cards. Suppose the bottom card is a queen, giving the number 4. If the spectato has only a few cards, he has four. If, however, it appears that he has about a quarter of the deck, it couldn't be four cards, so the first key number, 13, is added for a total of 17, which indicates the number of cards. Similarly, if it appears that more thanhalf the deck was cut off, 4 would be added to 26 to make 30; and if more than three-quarters of the deck was cut, 4 would be added to the key number 39 to get 43. You can't go wrong because it is virtually impossible to miscalculate by 13, and you are therefore enabled to state the correct number every time. You may repeat the trick as often as desired, provided you do not disarrange the cards on the count. Please keep this a secret !

Die Prediction
You take a small match box with a single die in it, shake it around, & show it to the kids by opening an end of the box revealing the single die. You take the die out of the box to be examined by the kids. After closing the box you make a bet that you can predict the number that will be showing on the dice after giving it a shake. Once bets are made you predict a "two" will show up. You shake the box(or have THEM shake it), and when you re-open the box, sure enough, there is the two on the dice.
The secret: there is really a PAIR of dice in the match box, but one is GLUED to the other end and never moves !! Obviously, you do not want to reveal this, so make sure when you open the box at the end that the other die has not slid down to that end. Easy to do----and effective ! Show this only once or twice, lest it gets figured out.....!!

"SIX IN A ROW " (#27)
Six cards are placed in a row, FACE DOWN on a table. A spectator is asked to throw a die. He chooses one of the six cards according to the number on the die, i.e., say number 4 comes up, then the spectator will choose the forth card from EITHER end. OR, the spectator may merely point out a card without rolling the die.
The rest of the cards are removed and put into your pocket, or anywhere else you choose...
The spectator is asked to roll the die again and to add the number he sees on the die AND the number on the bottom of the die. Now ask the spectator to divide the result by TWO and tell him that the answer to this division problem will be the same numerical value as the card ! Since the sum of the opposite sides of any die is always seven, the division answer will be "3 1/2 ". You act disappointed and check it out for yourself, and sure enough the answer is 3 1/2. You shrug your shoulders and tell the spectator that you followed the rules of this magic trick and it has to work !! After you make a few bets, turn the card over and it shows a....3 1/2 !!!
The secret: All the cards you put down are "3 1/2". Simply change 6 cards into a "3 1/2" using magic markers & whiteout, etc.... It does not have to look perfect---just do it ! This trick gets the biggest laugh after performing other tricks that establish you as a credible magician(or something close ..!) also looks better if you deal the cards off of a whole deck.....

You draw 9 squares on a paper or chalk board for the kids to see. Tell them that they must put 10 horses in those stalls. They cannot put two horses in any single stall. Once they have gone crazy trying, you simply write the words "ten horses" in the stalls---all NINE letters !!!! This is good for a laugh & groan.


You tell a spectator to take the four kings in the deck and put them anywhere in the deck they want. They can even take the deck themselves and do this, then shuffle, etc... When they give the deck back to you, you simply take the deck, holding the cards on the top & bottom edge of the deck. You proceed to blow hard into the cards while shaking them a bit. The four kings begin to emerge from the other side !!
The secret: Just take scissors and cut about 1/16 of an inch from the top & bottom of each king. The spectator should not notice the slight difference in length. The rest is easy.

"Quarter through DIME HOLE
" (#30)
You take bets that you can fit a quarter through a hole in a piece of paper the size of a dime, without ripping the paper at all. You show the relative size of both coins next to eachother & the audience sees that it is impossible. You place the quarter on the paper that has the dime-sized hole------and you get the quarter to fall through with no damage to the paper AT ALL !!
The secret: ...simply let the quarter lay on the hole, then fold the paper in half around the quarter, then gently pull the paper out & up at the corners------this will make the hole big enough to let the quarter fall through--experiment and see for yourself, then send me 10% of the bets you win(please)....

"REVERSO" (#31)
A card is chosen & inserted back into the deck. You place the cards behind your back for a split second, and when it is brought back the chosen card is the one reversed in the deck. A quick miracle !
The secret: Simply reverse the bottom card of the face-down deck before you start the trick. When you spread the cards out to be selected, just make sure the bottom card is not seen. When the spectator is "memorizing" his card just turn the other way(as a "courtesy") & turn the deck so that the reversed card is now on top---the deck will appear facedown !! The spectator will push his card somewhere into the middle of the deck. You then say that you will do the "world's quickest trick" and proceed to put the cards behind your back and flip over the card that YOU reversed. Spread the cards out to reveal the chosen card reversed !


You remove a card from the deck and place it aside as a prediction for later. Two piles are created at random by the spectator after he removes a random number of cards. When the top card of each pile is turned over, the value of one card and the suit of the other match the prediction !!
The Secret: After the spectator shuffles and hands you the deck just fan the cards towards yourself and look at the top 2 cards. Remember the VALUE of the first card & the SUIT of the 2nd. Just remove the card that matches that particular prediction, in full view of everyone. Now, just ask the spectator to deal two piles, one on top of the other until he wishes to stop dealing. Now the "remembered" cards are on the bottom. Have him redeal the two piles again(to "show that you are not cheating", as Uncle Norman would say) in reverse order which brings the two "remembered" cards to the top. The two cards should match your prediction.

A card is chosen & returned t the deck. The deck is spread & one card is found reversed. This card acts as the "helper" card that causes you to find the chosen card.
The secret: the deck is set up & is easy to remember. Reverse a #8 card and position it eight cards from the bottom of the deck. Keep this card hidden !! Fan the cards for the spectator to make a selection , but watch so you do not expose the reversed eight. While the card is being loked at, cut the cards so that the top half of the deck is in your left hand. Have the selected card replaced on the top of the left hand cards , then place e right hand cards on top of it. Riffle the end of the deck a bit & say that "one card will reverse itself", or soe such blather...... Spread the deck and show the reversed eight. Cut the deck at this point where you find the reversed eight--bringing the eight to the top of the deck. The spectator usually tells you that you are "wrong". Explain that the eight is just a "helper" and indicates that that the actual chosen card is in fact eight cards down from the top !! Place the eight to one side then count off 7 cards out loud. Turn over the eghth card to reveal the selected card !! Of course, any card can be used as the "helper" card. Try it.

"FIND IT" (#33)....
The card deck is given to a spectator---and the magician NEVER touches it throughout the trick ! A card is chosen then returned to the deck which is cut a number of times. You merely glance at the side of the deck & tell the spectator the exact position of the selected card !
Secret: You must stack the deck. Sort all the hears into numerical order---Ace through King.. Place the stack on the bottom of the deck with the Ace lowermost. Place the deck in front of the spectator and tell them to cut half the deck. Ask him to look at the card he cut to & remember it. Have the card he looked at replced on top ot the original top pile(top card). Have hm complete the cut & square the deck up neatly. Now ask them to turn the deck face up. Ask him to cut the deck again & complete the cut-----and to keep doing this until he cuts into one of the hearts that you set up secretly beforehnd. I always tell the kids I am doing this to show "I'm not cheating". When the first heart shows up just it's number---such as a "four" Ask him to now turn the deck face down as you proceed to stare at the deck as if really concentrating or using some strange power to locate the card. Tell him(the spectator) that his selected card is fou cards from the top. It works. Have fun with this one.

"CAN'T BE DONE" (our 34th trick !!)
A deck of cards is split in two and shuffled by two spectators. Each chooses & exchanges a card, then shuffles their cards again. The magician is able to immediately find both cards!!
THE SECRET: You actually prepare the cards as part of the trick, and the spectator will have no clue ! You first set the deck by dividing the een cards from the odd cards, then place on set on top of the other. Spread/fan the deck toward the two spectators and say, "although the cards are already mixed I don' want you to think I'm cheating, so let's mix them some more!!" The spectator will not notce the odd/even setup unless you allow them to study it for a long time..(so don't !)..... Now you just split the deck where the odd & even meet, and hand each half to a spectator. Tell them to shuffle their card well ! (which , of course, makes no difference now...!!) Now the spectators may switch a card with eachother and put it in the deck where they want.
Have them shuffle even more----"to show you aren't cheating"..... finding the card is extremely easy for you since it wil the odd card in the even deck, or the even card in the odd deck----------you may act out any senario you wish......perhaps pretend you have special mind-powers, etc.... You may want to blend the cards together before the spectator has a chance to see the set up after all is done.... Guard this secret lest the spectator learns the secret of the pre-set deck.....!!

A prediction is made & placed on a piece of paper in the center of a table. A spectator thinks of a random hour of the day You place 12 cards in the formation of a clock face, and a card is chosen to represent the thought-of hour. The magician reveals the thought-of hour & the prediction in the center is found to match the chosen card !!
Secret: The trick works on a mathematical principle, and there are two variations. The only preparation is to remember which card is 13th from the top of the deck---let's say it is the 3 of diamonds. Set the deck face down and write a prediction on paper---make it the "3 of diamonds"....then set the paper face down to keep the prediction secret. Now ask them to think of their favorite hour, and to take that many cards from the top and put them on the bottom -----make sure you turn your back on this so as to show you "are not cheating" as my Uncle Norm would say.... Now, take the deck and deal 12 cards onto the table, which reverses their order. Pick up the pile and set the cards out face up in a clock formation around the prediction so that THE FIRST CARD YOU DEAL IS AT 1pm, the second at 2pm, etc.....---the 12 o'clock card should be placed so that it is the furthest card from the SPECTATOR. Your prediction card will automatically position itself at the thought-of hour.!! Have some fun and pretend you have psychic powers, etc....hold their wrist like an Owiji board & have it move toward the revealed card......! You also do this "face -down" IF YOU MARK the BACK of the 13th card !! Do this with a needle, some other small mark that only YOU will know of ! This other variation has an even greater effect !!!

"ACE CUT"(#36)
A spectator cuts a deck into 4 more-or-less equal piles on a table. Although the magician never touches the deck and the spectator mixes the cards even more, the top card of each pile is found to be an ace !
SECRET: You set up the deck to make this a self-working trick. Find the 4 aces and move them to the top of the deck. Tell the spectator to cut the deck into two halves while you keep track of which pile has the 4 aces. Ask the spectator to cut one of the halves again, showing him where to place the pile. Do this again to the other half. You can now say "we have found the 4 totally random points" of the deck, or whatever other hogwash you want to make up.....You should have 4 piles at this time that are almost equal in size. The 4 aces should be on top of one of the end piles(left or right). Let's say that the aces are on the right this time..... Point to the pile at the opposite end of the aces(left) and tell the spectator to move 3 cards from the top to the bottom. Now tell him to deal one card from the top of the pile they are holding onto each of the other piles in any order they want. Now tell the spectator to do the exact same thing with the second pile of cards, then the third, then the forth. Make sure the spectator follows instructions for each pile !! Explain that although you have not even touched the deck, you have influenced the outcome using the "force" or whatever !
Each top card of all 4 piles will be an ace !! This trick is one big "smokescreen". Have fun !


This is a good trick to follow "Ace Cut". Four groups of 4 cards are mixed and dealt into 4 "hands". The spectator chooses a hand of cards. Despite the fairness of the selection, the chosen pile will consist of the 4 aces !!
The Secret: practice. Although there are many outcomes possible, the spectator must believe there is only one. So practice !
Okay, this is what you do..... Set the 4 aces out on the table next to eachother(face up). Deal 3 cards on top of each ace. Collect each pile, one on top of the other, into one packet. Turn the cards face down and square them up. Cut the cards several times using good, complete cuts. You may let the spectator cut for even better effect. Re-deal the 4 piles, side by side. This will cause the 4 aces to be dealt together in one pile. Square up each pile while "secretly" glimpsing the bottom of each pile----you must discover which pile the aces are in. Now, there are several possible effects you can do !! Ask the spectator to point to one pile---if it is the ace pile, then turn them over to show the miracle ! If they point to a different pile just ask them tp point to other pile with the other hand. If both piles do not contain the aces---remove them using an explanation that were to be "discarded"...If the second pile pointed to DOES contain the aces, then remove the other two piles instead.
Either way you will have two piles in which one will be the ace pile. Ask the spectaTOR TO CHOOSE A HAND FOR YOU AND A HAND FOR THEMSELVES. Ask the spectator to push a pile toward you---give them the chance to change their minds for good effect.... If the aces are pushed toward you, just turn the piles over and explain that no matter how many chances they had they still gave you the winning hand. If the aces are kept by the spectator just let them know how lucky they are !! Just practice this so you feel confident with the possible outcomes !


You have a card selected then shuffled back into the deck. You remove a card from your pocket, but it is the incorrect card. With a wave of the hand it magically becomes the correct card !!
SECRET: You use glue. Choose two different cards(let's say a six of clubs & jack of spades)---now fold both cards inward so there is a good crease in the center of each. Glue half of the folded cards back-to-back so that they are aligned perfectly. You should now have a card that can show a jack of spades OR a six of clubs...... NOW, apply glue to the back of this "gimmick" and glue another card to it(to make it stronger). Fold the flap into the upright position so that the six of clubs is showing, then place it in your shirt pocket....Now, take a deck of cards in preparation for a card force. Use any "force" you want, but one good one might be to simply "put a rock"(or whatever) on one of two cards laying on a table(cards from the deck----one being the jack of spades)...if he places the rock on the jack just claim he picked that card and have him put anywhere into the deck. If he puts the rock on the other card just pretend THAT card will NOT be used...and put the jack into the deck as before.....Reach into your pocket and remove the fake card---don't let them see the double thickness((hold it in your left fingers,--palm it). NOW, just ask the spectator if you have the right card-----they will say NO because the six of clubs is showing. Ask which one it was supposed to be. Bring your right hand in front of the left & let the top of the fake card come down---it will look like the jack magically appears as you slide the hand down. Keep your grip on the fake card so that the secret will stay hidden !!


This trick has illegally taken people's money in years past. Three cards are displayed---two eights & a queen. Even though the spectator is SURE he knows where the queen is, when it is turned over it has changed into a JOKER !!
The Secret: You cheat ! (like every card trick !!)......Okay, here we go---------
-----first, holding the queen card , cut about 1/3 of the card so that it tapers towards one end. In other words, holding the card with the queen looking at you(one head upside down), start cutting half-way between the upside-down queen's head and the edge of the card---cut up to the left side of the right-side up queen's head---tapered a bit(okay?). Now trim about 1/4 inch off the bottom piece you just cut off(the tapered part---"skinny" part)---this makes the 1/3 of the card a bit shorter than before, but not much....This little cut is VERY important !! Okay, on to what to DO with this piece of queen.......attach a piece of adhesive tape along the back of the long outer edge of the queen, and stick it to one of the eights in a slightly fanned position. In other words, the lower, skinny part of the queen should be just covering the #8 on the lower left side of the 8 of hearts.......the tape acts as a hinge. NOW your gimmick is complete !! Insert a joker behind the "flap" created by the taped queen----in other words, the joker is behind the queen. Align the edges. Lay another eight on top so that it looks like a fan of just those 3 cards(2 eights & a queen).....the joker is hidden !!
Just tell the spectator to "keep their eye on the queen and remember where it is"......Now, just turn the cards face down and ask the spectator where the queen is---they will pick the middle card and find that it is the joker !! You may then close the fan a bit and show the two eights. This will baffle them all !

by Diamond Jim Tyler

TRICK: The magician rolls up his sleeves and shows his hands front and back. He then makes a fist with his left hand and magically pulls a drinking straw from it with his right hand.This looks amazing, but the secret method is a little noisy. Luckily most restaurants or bars are noisy to begin with, thus the background ambient chatter should muffle the slight noise made from this effect.
SECRET: Slyly obtain one of the restaurant's drinking straws and make your way to the bathroom. While in the bathroom, remove the paper from the straw and slit it along its length with something sharp like a knife or a pair of scissors . Don't use a clear straw for this production. Try to find one that is colored or better yet the kind with stripes. Regardless, make the cut one long straight line if possible.
If someone walks into the men's room and gives you a funny look while you are doing this, simply wave your knife at them and they will most likely leave you alone. Proceed by rolling up the straw into a rolled position.
Walk out of the bathroom and approach your table with the rolled up straw concealed between your first finger and thumb of your left hand . If you keep your left hand's first finger and thumb pinched tightly around the rolled up straw, you will be able to show both hand's empty before producing it.
When ready to make it appear, simply make a fist with your left hand. Grab one end of it with your right hand and slowly, but dramatically, pull it from your left fist . This really looks cool! It makes a little noise while it is unrolling, but it truly looks to be whole and normal.
If you'll take a few straws with you, then you can prepare them in the privacy of your own home. Then you can wrap rubber bands around them to keep them wound up and throw them in your pocket when you are ready for a night out on the town.
To order Diamond Jim Tyler's new book - BAMBOOZLERS: The Bankable Book of Bar Betchas, Brain Bogglers, Belly Busters & Bewitchery, visit.. The book is 128 pages measuring 3 by 5 inches with black faux leather binding, silver gilded edges, a black ribbon marker, over 100 illustrations and features 75 bits of business. $20 US + S&H.
Editors note.. I have been playing around with this effect for several days and I can attest that it works. With a little practice, you can make the straw appear from your nose, your mouth, a matchbox.. you can even pull it out your - ear. You cannot use the same straw over and over, as the gap will widen and the illusion will not work. Practice.....


Wrap the rubber band around your first two fingers and pull it backwards.

Now clench your fist, making sure that the band wraps around all of the fingers at the back of your fist

Your audience should of course only see the front of your knuckles.

To make the band jump to the other two fingers, simply open and close your fist in one fast action. The band will appear to have jumped.


Well, let us count the reasons :
1. Magic is fun, educational, & motivational
2. Magic is entertaining to others
3. Magic is a GREAT way to meet people
4. Most people are NOT talented magicians, but most people ARE able to perform to some degree.
5. My Uncle Norman-----who used magic to make our childhood even more enchanting than it already was.....

2. Practice these tricks until you can do them with confidence !

One or two new tricks will be added weekly to this site. All of these tricks have been tested with audiences and classrooms, and found to be successful in their entertainment value. All of these tricks can be performed by even the least talented person you know.